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09-01-2004, 08:46 AM
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Choosing a manufacturer....... Help
I am in the process of narrowing my choice of Manufacturers. I have narrowed it down to B&B, Antique & Collectible, FFR and ERA. I know the people here own FFR's but what drove you to choose FFR over these others?
Thank you in advance.

09-01-2004, 09:00 AM
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I know you came in asking for guidance and having your questions answered. It is very difficult for those with some understanding of Cobras to help you out, unless you tell us a little more. How much do you want to spend, and what are you planning on doing with this car.
You may as well tell us how you managed to narrow it down to an ERA and a FFR?
I would like to stay and try to answer in more detail but can't.
I have to take my wife for car shopping too. We are going to go look at a Lexus and a Kia, it should take us all day. Maybe when I get back....
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09-01-2004, 09:20 AM
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I thought this might happen. I did not mean to ruffle any feathers. I am just trying to see what makes ERA worth that much more than A&C, B&B and to an extend FFR. It is easy to look at a Lexus and Kia and see the difference in quality and value. However, it is difficult to the untrained eye to see the minor differences in these kit cars. That is why I have come to you, the trained eye, to ask your opinion as to what makes one kit $17,500 and another $25,000 when they both offer what seems like very similar kits (in parts that is) Again, I did not want to upset anyone but I was looking for some education........ much like the one you will have to give your wife about Lexuses and Kias.

09-01-2004, 09:30 AM
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I don't think you'll ruffle feathers unless you say something intentionally inflamitory. But as a simple suggestion, you may just want to make one post and stick it in the All Cobra talk forum instead of mulitple posts all over the place. You'll get better feedback that way.
I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers, but a lot of it is purely opinion. Someone likes the frame construction of one car better. Or the look of the body. Or some want an extended wheelbase. Thicker fiberglass or gelcoat. On and on. For me, personally, I am very, very happy with my FFR. I wouldn't see a reason to spend tens of thousands of $$$ more for another car. But that is just my personal taste. Others may disagree.
How big is your budget? What do you want to do with the car? What is important to you? Those are the questions that'll help you decide what to buy.
No, it ain't "real", but it's real fast....
Some people choose to rattle their windows with stereos and speakers... I choose to rattle windows with my right foot.
Last edited by klayfish; 09-01-2004 at 09:32 AM..

09-01-2004, 10:08 AM
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What ever
What ever or who ever you select, if you are going to build it yourself, make sure you buy the assembly manual first.
Examine it and when it was printed.
If you are buying a roller/finished car, make sure it's what you want.
After examining the assembly manual that came with the frame, I would have had reservation about buying from LoneStar.
I do not care what magazines call what car as easy. There is no joy in trying to uncover how something is installed or works without some kind of instuction.
Just my $0.03


09-01-2004, 10:34 AM
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You did not ruffle MY feathers, however I must apologize for giving you a tongue and cheek answer when you were actually seeking out straight answers.
One rule of thumb in the Cobra ownership and in comparisons of manufacturers that can't be ignored is RESALE.
Go to CobraCountry.com Look at all the cars for sale and look at the asking prices (which does not mean they'll get it) look at the listing of best features of the cars and their relative value.
Pretty soon you will have most of your questions answered why one over the other.
That is where you start to back into the questions , "WHY does this one sell more than the other?" "Why is this make more in demand than the other?", Why are there so many of those and yet only a few of those for sale?".
Some of the answers are not obvious. If there are more SPFs for sale that doesn't mean their owners are unhappy and they are dumping them. Just that there are more of them out there to begin with, than the other brands you may be looking at.
You may also see more FFRs than others. That is also true in the case of FFRs. There are a bunch of them for various reasons. Less expensive to buy and build, and some of the owners may be moving up and put their cars up for sale.
None of these are poor reflections on the cars themselves. Just that there indeed is a pecking order in the Cobra world out there. To deny it and to say I have a Rattle Snake 390 and happy with it is not the same thing as saying the RS 390 is as good a car as an ERA just because someone is happy with it.
My wife maybe happy with Kia because it is affordable, and may not be planning on keeping for long and it may be available in colors Lexus doesn't come.
It just doen't make it as good a car as a Lexus because someone bought it.
Doesn't matter what you buy, you will think it is the best thing out there. Just that you wouldn't be the most objective person to ask.
That is how it goes in the Cobra world.
Do a search here using some key words and see what others think.
The used cars from different manufacturers are worth as much as they are when they go up for sale for a reason.
Sometiimes $10,000 more spent on a car may bring back $15,000 when you sell it.
I know this place is full of people who bought Cobras and saved $5000,, but lost more than $5000 when they sold it.
Do your homewrok, because there IS a big difference.
If someone owns an ABC Cobrand tells you ABC is good, dismiss that and look for prasies from those who own XYZ and yet they tell you how good ABC is.
OBAMA IN in 2012

09-01-2004, 11:03 AM
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Originally posted by Turk
Go to Cobra Country....
Do a search here using some key words ...
Babrams - there is your answer in a nutshell.
The information available through the Search function on this site is incredible. Learn how it works. It's only after you use it a bit do you realize this site is seemingly endless. Try all combinations of keywords - example SPF vs ERA will yield different results than SPF vs. ERA.
2 other tips - Visit the factories if possible. Attend Carlisle in the spring.
Good luck. 
Enjoyment may be 9/10's anticipation, but that last 10% is oh so sweet....

09-01-2004, 05:38 PM
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Every manufacturer is different. check them all out and ask for references. visit all the mfg's online and if possible in person. Decide what your budget and your personnal involvement will be. Kit, turn-key etc. I would say you can have one of these anywhere from 20k to 90k. Look at what is available for sale. Do not know if there will be a DVSFV or not but there were approx 300+ cobras there this year with I think all mfg's present. There is a tremendous amount of information here at CC. Just remember we all love these cars and we don't want to p^%$-o&@ any particular owner and his choice of Cobra mfg.
Good Luck. You will need it!!

09-01-2004, 08:37 PM
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Thank you all
I would just like to say thank you very much for your replies. I guess I knew the answer but I just needed to hear it from a few knowlegable people. I don't plan on racing the car but I do plan on driving it and would like to participate in a few car shows. I would like to keep the total price between $30-$35K. I drove almost 3 hours tonight to look at one of the manufacturers kits mentioned. It had just arrived. The owner was very helpful as was the visit.
Thank you once again...................

09-01-2004, 09:04 PM
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Others have covered the kit vs kit aspect of this, but I don't think enough can be said about trularin's advise.
Get the manual first!!!!!!!
I must confess my sin......I bought an Everett-Morrison frame form a neighbor about 8 years ago. I did no research, I knew nothing of Club Cobra, I must blame it all on youthful ignorance.
The best single purchase that I have made since was the ERA assemble manual on CD. I have printed a garage copy, a copy for my desk at work, and maybe most importantly, a copy for the bathroom at home.......No matter what kit you end up with you would be hard pressed to find a better reference than the ERA manual.
Good Luck!

09-01-2004, 10:54 PM
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Thanks you
Great advice and I have already downloaded 3 assembly manuals off the internet........
Thanks for the help and advice

09-01-2004, 11:24 PM
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Another lithmus test. Make a list of two or three manufacturers you are interested in. Call them with the same list of questions..
See who responds to your phone call, or email inquiries. Are they willing to take time on the phone to answer your questions?
Will they return their calls promptly?
Do they answer their emails?
If the response is poor or not satisfactory, imagine what it will be like AFTER they take your money and you are in need of building help, or some parts...
They don't get better after you have given them the money, only worse.
OBAMA IN in 2012
Last edited by Turk; 01-31-2005 at 10:28 PM..

01-22-2005, 02:19 AM
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In the $30,000 to $35,000. price range you may also want to look at Unique Cobras and Hurricane Cobras. They both have good web sites that you can pick up some additional information. Also, be sure to bugget in $3000 to $5000. for a nice paint job. Good Luck!

01-24-2005, 02:59 PM
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Hoping not to confuse you but every manufacturer has it's pro's and con's and every owner can justfy why his car is better. Just a few questions you need to ask yourself.
1) Am I going to build the car myself or am I going to buy one from a builder?
2)How an I going to use the car? For a street car that you want to track there are some that lend itself to this more than others.
3) Do I want the car to be original looking or one that has an original apperance but with personal touches.
4) What is my reallistic budget to do this?
Now if you have decided you want to build the car your self, the next set of questions.
1) Do I have the skill to build a safe car?
2) Do I have time to build it? The time to build a kit can range from 100-1000 hrs depending on the kit and what you want out of it. If you have a family and only have a couple hrs a week to work on it, it will take years to complete and drive you crazy every time you see it in the garage unfinished.
3) What is my time worth? If you time is worth quite a lot, it may make more since to have it built by a pro.
I stated here, there are many good kits and well as turn key minus cars available depending on budget. Do your research and don't be affraid to ask questions. There are many very knowledgable people and maybe a few that aren't here that are more than willing to answer your questions. Just ask.

01-31-2005, 10:13 PM
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Dear Billy,
The FFR product offers:
1. Original style large round tube ladder-style frame
2. Steel structure with aluminum rivited like the original 427 S/C; unstressed body shell that is lightweight.
3. Single parts source for running gear: Ford Motor Company for fuel injection (if desired), disk brakes, steering, gas tank, inertia safety switch, etc. (modern enfineering), rear end IRS, etc.
4. Complete supply of parts including fasteners, trim, etc.
5. Freedom to complete as desired; like the painer's canvass...it depends on the artist what the final picture look like.
6. Rear suspension options: 4-link, 3-link, or IRS
7. Engine choices compete array: Use of Mustang's new "Mod Motor" if desired, FE big block, 5.0/302/351 small block, 385 series 429/460 engines. (note: 351C requires user to supply own exhaust headers)
8. Transmission choices: T-5, Top Loader, Tremec, etc.
9. Wheels and tires...your choice, no limits.
10. Sturdy roll bar for safety.
The end result is exactly whatever you want...budget or high end.

Dave Smith's FFR
Regardless...the FFR is safe and built to race so the frame is strong and offers reliable fun on the street or track. You can win at car shows, win races, or have a great time driving a lot of miles.
For pictures and project progress from start to finish, see Project 427 S/C

Old 3850 built and owned by yours truly
Hope this helps.
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