Originally Posted by undy
You've got all the rocker arms facing up but they appear to be the non-adjustable type. Most people will switch to an adjustable set in a performance application, hydraulic, solid or roller. I assumed they were so in my original statement.
yes they are factory non adjust. to shift the thread alittle maybe "wicked"
can take this under advisement. to put adjustable rockers on a hydraulic cam
for street use defeats an advantage of a hydraulic cam and also opens the door
for other serious issues. the beauty of the fe hydraulic rocker system is the
ease of valvetrain to work on. the lash is pre-engineered in. if there is a height
problem in the original build that the factory arms dont work the eaisier and cheaper route is to use custom length pushrods, which maintains factory
rocker geometry. again let me qualify street use. the factory arms and shafts
are strong they withstand high rpm the only cases in which they do not hold up is high profile roller cams, spring pressure breaks shafts.
in retrospect having to predetermine lash using adjustable rockers on hydraulic lifters is touch and go. lifters pumpup with
oil pressure if you adjust lash without the engine running you may over preload the lifter causing,
(get this wicked) a collapsed lifter or wiped lobe or bent pushrods or all of the above. all this is good but in building an engine for a car the best
advise is be honest with yourself on "what will the car be used for"
if its a street car build it for the street (drivability) if not then what rpm
does the engine make peak power. in this case its a 428 wicked hasnt
listed any other info about his build so i will assume mostly stock
the intake manifold is probably his limiting factor. around 6300-6500
rpms well within the limits of the factory arms and shafts for a hydraulic cam
so wicked ask yourself do i want to change lifters all the time? or set it and
forget it?
now that i have blabbed so much i need a beer