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Color Tour to Soo Cancelled
Well everyone due to the weather threat we have decided to cancel the Tour up to the Soo. I am sorry that this did not work out. We really had a great cruise planned out. Seems more and more where interested in going than were registered. But overall you don't want to get wet and cold up there at the same time. There had been some interest in possibly doing this in the spring or early summer to try and avoid the weather issues possibly. If you would be interested in this please let me know and we will get to work on setting up some timing. I know that we would need to avoid LCS and Woodward but it should be able to be done without too much of a problem. Even if you have some dates in mind let us know too. Once again everyone sorry for the inconvience. Todd |
Well, depending on the situation, we will probably make the run.
I would like to take the cobra this time. :LOL: :D |
Hey folks,
I'm one of the Canucks helping/hoping to organize this thing. I registered here at CC a very long time ago, but have not posted much. Heck, this is only my 2nd post. I've met some of you a while back. I was the Canadian guy with the blue Mustang who took pictures and sent out the CDs from the get together in Traverse City in '08. Anyhow, we've settled on a date. September 10 - 12 Please let us know if you are interested in attending. Either respond to this thread, send us a PM. You can also email me directly using the forum link. For those wondering what there is to do in the Soo (that's what we locals call Sault Ste Marie), I can post touristy types of links as we begin to develop a possible itinerary. For now, we need to here from you. Are you interested? Some pics from '08 http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ity2008356.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ity2008361.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ity2008364.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ity2008178.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ity2008182.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ity2008183.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ity2008185.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ity2008194.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ity2008206.jpg |
Updates and questions for everyone. See above. Thanks, Todd |
See the new hotel info above. Todd |
Bringing to the top again.
So far we have 10 cars signed up with me. This is a event for all interested in joining us, you are more than welcome to join us even if you don't have a cobra. Come on out it is going to be a great cruise. Thanks, Todd |
Bringing to the top again.
Hope to see you there. Todd |
Updated the final registration date for the hotel.
Hope you can join us. Todd |
T minus 35 days and counting!
Sorry for the separate posts. I just can't manage posting all this info in one reply. Happy reading! The locals got together to start ironing out details. Here's the latest info with some teaser links and pics. I have saved Google Earth placemarks for each location. If you would like copies, just drop me a PM or email with your email address. I'll send you all my links. TIP: Before you cross the border, you're going to want to stop for fuel in the Michigan Sault. Directions from International Bridge to Super 8... MAPQUEST LINK >>>> http://www.mapquest.com/mq/10-kSKQGKoG
We've left Friday completely open other than dinner reservations. Sault Ste Marie has a large Italian community, so we're going Italian. We'll be taking you to Giovanni's Italian Restaurant. It's an excellent restaurant with a private back room. http://giovannisrestaurant.ca/giovannis Timing will depend on your ETA. We'll give you some time to freshen up and take a load off before heading out for dinner. What's after dinner is up to you. We'll play it by ear since you've been on the road most of the day. Here's where all this is happening... http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...10/th_MAP1.png http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...10/th_MAP2.png |
Saturday will begin with a sit down breakfast. The Super 8 does provide a continental, so you may eat there if you wish. Our tour route does not have a convenient place to eat lunch near the half way mark, so lunch will be late.
Instead of the aforementioned eastern route on to St Joseph Island, you primary route has changed to the north. The east route is now relegated to weather related bail out status. The new tour route will take us north of Sault Ste Marie on Hwy 17 along the rugged eastern shoreline of Lake Superior. The route has the greatest wow factor of any road around, regardless of the amount of colors in the trees. We've heard many a tourist say it's one of the best scenic routes they've driven anywhere. http://www.thekingshighway.ca/scenic.html Here's a possible itinerary for the tour. Exact location and timing of stops is yet to be determined (stops can be either on the north or southbound legs), but this gives you a good feel of what you're in for. Starting in Sault Ste Marie, we will travel north passing the small village of Heyden, then Goulais River, Haviland Bay and Harmony Beach. http://www.panoramio.com/photo/24662794 http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute117.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute125.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute119.jpg |
Our first stop is only 30 minutes away at Chippawa Falls, which for you trivia buffs is very close to the midpoint of the the 4860 mile long trans Canada highway.
http://transcanadahighway.com/genera...adahighway.htm http://transcanadahighway.com/Ontari...asp?segment=22 There's a very short trail (few minutes) that folks can walk up to the falls, or they can be seen from walking bridge along the highway... http://www.start.ca/users/mharris/wa...ewa-falls.html http://www.google.ca/images?um=1&hl=...=&oq=&gs_rfai= http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute012.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute019.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...lsPanorama.jpg |
From the falls, we only have 10 minutes before we reach Batchawana Bay and the Voyageur's Lodge and cookhouse. This will be our lunch stop on the way back, but figure maybe a northbound stop here would give you a nice view of the bay.
http://www.voyageurslodge.com/ We will then continue northbound along the rugged Lake Superior shoreline. There will be far more places to see from the car than there are to stop, so be ready with that camera. Almost every curve and crest along the shore provides a new WOW moment. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute118.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute137.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute138.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute150.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute151.jpg |
Our next stop is just a short 5 minute drive away. Agawa Indian Crafts & The Canadian Carver is a great place to stretch you legs and get some fuel and maybe even pick up a few souvenirs. Not to worry, if you see something you like but don't want to lug it around for the whole trip, we'll stop here for fuel on the southbound leg of the trip later in the day.
http://www.pancakebay.com/ http://www.boldts.net/album/CanadianCarver.shtml http://www.worldofstock.com/closeups/TAE3011.php Back on the road, this next stretch will be the longest of the tour, as we drive about 35 minutes to Montreal River harbor and make a fuel stop at the Northgate Service Center just before crossing the Montreal River Bridge and passing Montreal River Harbour. This is the northernmost fuel stop. Our turnaround point is about 25 minutes north, making for a round trip of a little under an hour from this fuel stop. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute085.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...urPanorama.jpg |
Now the highway turns slightly inland as we climb the Montreal River Hill. Truckers and cross country runners HATE this part of the highway. You may just feel your ears pop as we ascend through some amazing rock cuts.
http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute147.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute144.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute161.jpg As we climb the hill we will be entering Lake Superior Provincial Park. http://www.lakesuperiorpark.ca/ When we crest the hill we again turn towards the big lake and pass some high country inland lakes. Within 20 minutes we arrive at the Agawa Bay Lookout. It's easy to miss. The entry to the lookout is at the top of a long climbing right hander and the sign is not very big. This is one of the premier WOW moments of the route... http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...utPanorama.jpg We then continue just another 10 minutes to our northern most spot on the tour, Katherine Cove. http://www.google.ca/images?um=1&hl=...=&oq=&gs_rfai= http://terravistastudios.ca/2/26174#...s-cove/kc-012/ |
We now begin our journey southbound back to Sault Ste Marie, stopping at many of the spots we passed where you said "Hey why didn't we stop back there?" We're now on the west side of the highway so making these stops during the southbound leg is much easier.
Lake Superior Provincial Park Visitor's Center & Agawa Bay Campground is only 12 minutes south. The visitor's center has an amazing display area describing the big lake and there's also a nice place to sit and rest. http://www.lakesuperiorpark.ca/index...visitor-center http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute076.jpg Next we have another WOW moment as we get to see the southbound view from the Montreal River hill. Your ears might pop again. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute164.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute169.jpg 15 minutes after leaving the visitor's center, we can once again stop at the Northgate Service Center at Montreal River for fuel. Once on the road again, we stop just 10 minutes later at the Alona Bay Lookout. Sorry, my panoramic pic taken from the back of my truck does not do the view justice. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...utPanorama.jpg |
Another 25 minutes south we arrive at Pancake Bay Provincial park.
http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/panc.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancake...rovincial_Park http://www.google.ca/images?hl=en&q=...w=1221&bih=777 http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute100.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...thRoute105.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...ayPanorama.jpg A few minutes south of the park, we arrive back at Agawa Indian Crafts & The Canadian Carver for some fuel and to pick up those few souvenirs you picked out during your morning visit. It's been a pretty long day so far, so let's stop for some lunch. Only 5 minutes from the fuel stop is the Voyageur's Lodge and cookhouse that I pointed out earlier. Once we've had our fill of lunch, we can decide as a group if we want to make any more stops or just head back into the Soo, about a 40 minute drive. A few minutes down the road is the Batchawana Bat Provincial Park http://www.google.ca/images?um=1&hl=...w=1221&bih=777 Then it's only another 10 minutes until we arrive back at Chippewa Falls. We can break up the half hour drive back to the Super 8 by stopping at either Harmony or Haviland Bays. One last stop before we get back to the hotel could be the Trading Post & Frontier Village at the north edge of town. It's another spot where you can pick yourself up some souvenirs. http://www.soonews.ca/viewarticle.php?id=26973 http://www.trading-post.ca/ Once we're back at the hotel, we'll give y'all a chance to rest up, and depending on how we did for time on the tour along the shore, we may take you to a spot that gearheads get a real kick out of, the Canadian Bushplane Heritage center. http://www.bushplane.com/ From there, it's a short blast through downtown to dinner at Dock’s Riverfront Grill where we can sit and watch the big lake freighters as they pass through the locks and St Mary's river. http://www.docksriverfrontgrill.com/home From there, it's anyone's guess. We'll leave that up to you all. |
Sunday breakfast has not been discussed. We can play that by ear. There's some good spots here as well as in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan where I'm sure you'll be refueling before getting on I-75 for the trip back.
Directions from Super 8 to the International Bridge: MAPQUEST LINK >>>> http://www.mapquest.com/mq/8-t9u3tKB* It's almost as simple as retracing your steps to get here, except instead of using Bay St, you'll be coming back to the bridge along Queen St.
FYI... Downtown Sault Ste Marie can be somewhat confusing. If you consider the waterfront as south, there are 4 main streets running east/west and each is one way. From south to north they alternate east bound (Bay St), westbound (Queen St), east (Albert St) and west again (Wellington). The north/south streets are almost all 2 way, except for the furthest east and west the define downtown. If you miss a turn downtown, it's just matter of going around the block. Just be careful of the one way streets. |
Weather Info
For those looking for weather forecasts, the two web sites I trust more than any others in this area are: SooWeather.com - local guy who's forecasts are much better than the national guys. 9and10news - northern Michigan |
Phew! OK, I think I'm done! I have some really cool news about the Bushplane Heritage Center, but that post will come a little later tonight.
For those checking this thread's most recent post for an update, my update began way back with reply #10 on page 1. I had too much info, pictures and links to manage posting in one reply. Come on out folks. This is going to be a blast! Don't forget, the Super 8 has extended the booking deadline to... Monday, September 6th! |
All times are GMT -7. The time now is 04:44 PM. |
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