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Created Showing Discussions 10 of 13 Replies Last Post
by CloGo66
Andy Teal Memorial Service
Just heard from Tyler Teal and the Memorial Service for Andy Teal is scheduled for Sunday, November...
12-29-2023 05:59 AM
by Bredly Go to last post
Anyone in the Portland Area?
Hi, I live in Portland and would really like to find other cobra enthusiasts in the Portland...
12-20-2023 06:54 AM
by race-it
Who made the NWCC Logo. Looks Good! Jim
10-18-2023 04:47 AM
by tcobra
Washington state title
Hello, I'm still a long ways out from actually titling the car but I've got different info from...
10-18-2023 03:34 AM
by RV4Guy
Front license plate!
July 19--8:35 am--I had posted a message about front license plate frames on this forum site. I...
10-04-2022 03:49 AM
by noah823 Go to last post
by Rjw289
Newbie in Washington State
Just purchased a Contemporary Classic 289 FIA. My first Cobra! Does anyone have any recommendations...
03-29-2014 12:57 PM
by CNEBEAR Go to last post
by WardL
Superformance Superfest
Currently I'm the only one signed up to attend the Superformance Superfest in Colorado in July from...
04-01-2013 11:10 PM
by WardL Go to last post
Oregon Coast Cruise Hwy101 - August 2012
Deleted post text. I had posted it here by mistake
07-05-2012 11:55 AM
New Member
Just joined and am looking forward to meeting all of you. Does anyone go to XXX in Issaquah?
04-13-2009 01:19 PM
Testing the discussion posting
Just testing this thing..
04-13-2009 01:15 PM

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