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Created Showing Discussions 10 of 50 Replies Last Post
by Dwight
Christmas Chili Party
This years Chili Party was a tremendous success. We ate 2 gallons of Chili, lots of chips,...
11-23-2024 10:19 PM
Thank you to all our veterans!
Whether past or present I would like to say Thank You to all who have served this Great Country to...
08-12-2024 02:12 AM
by Dwight
Warm weather is here and so are the tornadoes . 240 people killed in Alabama this week. Power...
06-07-2024 01:46 AM
by Dwight
This year is off to a good start
Coach and I rode over to Harvest for our first car show of the year. The high school football...
11-17-2023 10:21 AM
by harry28 Go to last post
by Dwight
road trip to Unique
four of us drove down to Unique to pick up Coach's new Cobra. Black with Hertz gold stripe. A...
06-16-2023 04:45 PM
by Dwight
Coach's new shop
Most of you know Coach is building a new shop. It a metal building 60' x 75' with a 20' canopy on...
04-21-2023 06:12 AM
by Dwight
2017 Christmas Party
We have stayed busy during 2017. Car shows, cruises and get togethers. We had our Christmas...
04-17-2023 09:00 AM
by Dwight
motor shop work
Hey gang don't forget this Saturday Killen Founders Day car show in the park. I took Lawrence's...
03-31-2023 12:10 PM
Moving to
Hi guys my wife and I are thinking of moving to north Huntsville looking for a nice area with some...
03-24-2023 02:11 AM
by Winny4 Go to last post
by Dwight
2020 Christmas party
We are polling our members to see if they want a Christmas party this year and when. Tentative...
11-06-2020 08:38 PM
by Dwight Go to last post

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