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Created Showing Discussions 10 of 52 Replies Last Post
Engine builders comparison
Sorry,i didn't mean to ruffle anybody's feathers by asking who was the best fe engine builder out...
09-14-2024 12:56 PM
by nakoda Go to last post
by Lou1119
Brake cylinder fill
Does anyone have good method to fill the brake cylinder reservoir? The thing is so hidden away...
08-29-2024 03:56 PM
by jwshira Go to last post
hello , i have one cobra spf , vin spo173 and i search 2 parts , the complete steering rack and...
08-30-2023 01:32 PM
by Jaws67
Driver Side Mystery Wiring Harness
Hi All, I have discovered a wiring harness that is coming out of the carpet around the wheel well...
06-18-2023 08:37 AM
by Blas Go to last post
by Jaws67
Harness Replacement
Hi, I’m newly in possession of SPO1457. The date codes on the belts show they are original. I...
06-18-2023 08:35 AM
by Blas Go to last post
by Beemer
Turn Signal Leaver Broke In Half
I went to make a right turn and when I pushed the leaver down it broke in half just before the high...
11-17-2022 05:01 AM
by Lou1119
Front nudge bar
Has anyone installed the front nudge bar on their SPF Cobra? If so where did you buy it? Thanks
10-03-2022 01:16 PM
by Jaws67
Quick Jacks for Superformance
Hey all, Is anyone aware of aftermarket quick jack bumpers for an MKIII? I got a quote for OEM...
09-12-2022 03:42 PM
by Jaws67 Go to last post
Steering shaft loose
This morning, I discovered that the end cap of the tube that holds the shaft between the steering...
11-01-2021 07:28 AM
by Blas Go to last post
by snapier
Superformance rear bumper (nudge bar)
:confused: Does anyone know what I would have to do to put a rear bumper (nudge bar) on a...
09-26-2021 04:28 PM
by Blas Go to last post

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