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Social Group Discussions in: BACKDRAFT OWNERS GROUP
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Created Showing Discussions 11 to 20 of 45 Replies Last Post
by jelfert
Build update
Well I finally got some dates on the parts my engine builder has been waiting on. Looks like they...
10-10-2023 02:53 AM
by Gus M
Heat Shield"Rattling" Noise?
Finally got to drive my new Backdraft but I'm hearing what appears to be this annoying rattling...
10-04-2023 07:36 AM
by IMLost
How many states?
I had a friendly conversation with a couple of guys and I know not everyone drives their cars like...
10-04-2023 07:30 AM
Backdraft Owners to Add to Group
If you know of some usernames that are not members of the group yet, let me know so I can invite...
08-30-2023 10:49 PM
by FredG
Seat Foam
Took apart my seat cushions and added a 1 inch layer of medium density blue confor memory foam to...
08-29-2023 04:25 AM
BDR/408w EFI conversion project
:):)To all, I will be converting my 408w to EFI with a FiTech Go EFI 4 -600 system. I will post as...
03-19-2023 09:31 AM
by noah823 Go to last post
by FredG
Remote reservoirs
Because of the inaccessibility of the reservoirs for the brakes and hydraulic clutch, I have been...
07-30-2021 05:37 PM
by Texn8 Go to last post
by IMLost
Front End Toe in/
I do long distance driving and am wondering if anyone has suggestions on the toe in neg settings....
03-06-2020 02:53 PM
by IMLost Go to last post
by IMLost
Front End Toe in/
I do long distance driving and am wondering if anyone has suggestions on the toe in neg settings....
03-06-2020 02:41 PM
by IMLost Go to last post
by ront49
Turn signal lever
Is the turn signal lever/signal switch the same one used on a '62-'65 Beetle? Any info would be...
02-15-2020 08:34 PM
by IMLost Go to last post

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