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MMG Superformance
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Created Showing Discussions 10 of 45 Replies Last Post
17" knock offs
Hi All, new owner here. Does anyone have a lead on 17" knock offs rears or fronts? Looking for...
12-17-2024 09:26 PM
by BDR_Boy
Windshield issue... calling Cashburn
Hoping Cashburn (or anyone) might have some helpful info. I've searched the site but haven't found...
12-15-2024 09:53 PM
by Gus M
Seat Slider Problem
I was driving today and applied the clutch only to have the driver's seat slider give way and fully...
12-02-2024 02:20 AM
by Dedas
BDR RT2 Power steering rack upgrade
Hi all, I've just purchased BDR RT2 #358, the car is great, handles well but I have issues with...
11-29-2024 08:49 PM
by Kobura
R U On the Map?
Backdraft Racing Owners Registry=map locating BDRs/owners. It looks like almost everyone here is...
11-29-2024 03:06 AM
Car is 2010 build#896. I have a wiring question for all..How should a 1 wire alternator be wired?...
10-22-2024 08:05 PM
by Tzro69
Modifications for a shorter driver
Hello friends - I am looking for ways to make my car more comfortable to drive as a shorter (5'-4")...
03-24-2024 08:20 AM
Thanks for the invite
What fun, Had the car out all day Saturday and not a peep from (She who must be obeyed). went up to...
03-24-2024 07:38 AM
by FredG
New Dash, Gauges and Steering.
Upgrading steering. New Carbon Fiber dash with Carbon Fiber Auto meter gauges and LED backlighting....
02-07-2024 11:04 AM
by IMLost
Mt. Rushmore
Doeas anyone here know who had a large group in the Mt. Rushmore area today. I saw them but could...
01-15-2024 07:53 PM

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