Hi Dean, welcome aboard.
If you are looking to buy a pre-owned Cobra replica in the U.S. and import it to Canada, then you're right, it's not going to be easy. There are many Cobras for sale in Canada, but their asking prices tend to be higher than in the U.S.
If you're just starting out on your search, my recommendation would be to do some research first and check out as many different kits as you can to get a better idea of what would please you. Then you'll know what your budget range should be.
There are lots of guys with Factory Fives in Alberta. In fact we're losing one of our local guys to Edmonton in the next week. You might want to hook up with the nearest Cobra club (often just informal gatherings of owners).
I've been down the road you're on and done lots of homework already. Let me know if there's any specific questions you have right now, and I'll do my best to help.