I also need help with fitting into it. I'm 6'-2" and 250 pounds so with the original seats, my knee is against the dash brace, my thighs are up against the bottom of the steering wheel, and my head is against the hard top. I am going to start by removing the original seat and hard top as a baseline just to see if I can fit but can someone recommend a better seat option for me? I'll also go down to a 14" steering wheel for a little extra space. I also need to learn to drive two footed since the footbox is so tight and I have a size 12 1/2" shoe. As it stands, I cannot safely drive her yet with the way I fit, but I need to find a way. This is such a unique and iconic car that I want to drive and enjoy for many years. As far as my other cars, I have a 1969 R/T Charger, a 1969 Barracuda, a 1966 tri-power GTO, and a 1965 K-Code Mustang fastback. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Rich