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Social Group Discussions in: Superformance Owners Group
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Created Showing Discussions 11 to 20 of 52 Replies Last Post
Spf 3153
SPF 3153 is now for sale on
06-23-2021 07:56 PM
Cool Air Vents
When I pull on the outside air vent knobs they only move out less than one half inch. Is this...
05-23-2021 12:40 PM
by Grogers
Rear soft top window
Hi I would like to know if anyone has replaced the rear plastic window with a removable zippered...
03-29-2021 08:35 AM
by Grogers Go to last post
Disassemble of dash
Hello! I have recently purchased SPF 1682. I am the third owner of the vehicle. Drove it for about...
01-18-2021 11:23 AM
by snapier
Ignition Problem
I have a Superformance (SPF 1400) and went to start the car. Would not start just cranked over and...
06-21-2020 07:06 PM
by Lou1119
Fuse panel
I have a SPF built in 2003 (chassis# 1586) and I am trying to get to the fuse box tray. I think I...
06-21-2020 07:03 PM
Superformance front shock/springs
Superformance front shock/springs: When I jack up my front end (on SPO 2820) the coil springs...
06-21-2020 06:58 PM
by jwshira
Hunting at idle
Dart 351/427 with Quick Fuel 750. On cold start, RPM stays at fast idle until it starts to warm,...
03-26-2020 07:51 AM
by jwshira Go to last post
by Hasal
Looking to purchase side pips for my Daytona Coupe
Hello, I own gen 1 Coupe. The current side pipes are running to the back of the car and as you all...
03-08-2020 04:47 AM
by Hasal Go to last post
Superformance Parts Needed
A friend of mine had an incident with a Superformance MkIII that he just purchased and took...
08-16-2019 06:27 AM

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