Check out my alt fuse installation (link to gallery below) that also serves to safely feed my main harness and my SPAL fans. This box is temporarily located on the heater blower box but will bolt to the engine comparment fire wall area of the body just above the starter using rivnuts. I purchased the fuse box from Amercian Auto Wire and made up my own custom length cables using NAPA supplied copper 4 gauge, 5/16" stud lugs, 4 gauge solder pellets and 4 gauge heat shrink tube. Total cost for this upgrade for me was $39 using my own 4 gauge weld cable I had in the shop. Total length of 4 gauge cable was about 38" from alt and 14" from fuse to BAT+ terminal on remote mount solenoid. Alt is a 65A unit used here. Upgrade is planned for a 130A 3G alt in the future once I am on the road.