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Social Group Discussions in: West Coast Owners Group
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Created Showing Discussions 111 to 120 of 248 Replies Last Post
Headlight dim
Okay so I thought it was just the old headlights, I upgraded to some KC H4 headlights and yet low...
04-18-2016 05:02 PM
Gents, does anyone know the alignment specs for the West Coast? I want to check all 4 and need the...
04-10-2016 08:32 AM
Sun visor
Okay mine didn't come with the sun visor, first owner didn't order them. Thoughts are they worth...
02-27-2016 07:43 AM
Door Adjustment
My drivers door on my West Coast Cobra is either loose or some other issue. when you open the door...
02-24-2016 01:01 PM
Officially a West Coast Cobra Owner
Bought my new to me WCC yesterday. :D ...
02-22-2016 05:32 PM
Seeking - Kellison or WCC
So, I have been looking at cobra's for years. Lost way too much in the market back in 07/08 so I...
02-21-2016 07:37 AM
Accelerator Pedal & Cable
After a scary, stuck throttle incident last fall, I'm committed to replacing the push-pull cable in...
02-20-2016 01:59 PM
by DocDirk
Issues with WC systems
Bob, Bill and I have been PM'ing for quite some time on problems we've encountered with the...
12-10-2015 10:23 PM
by MAXVELO Go to last post
by BAsque1
WCC maximum tire diameter
I am considering changing tires, I have now the Cooper Cobras 295 x 50x 15 in the rear and 265 x...
12-10-2015 10:12 PM
by MAXVELO Go to last post
by BAsque1
What's the story with Vern lately? Not word about him!!
Good morning folks! Belated happy & healthy New Year to all. I tried fruitlessly last year to get...
10-14-2015 12:32 PM
by BAsque1 Go to last post

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