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Social Group Discussions in: West Coast Owners Group
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Created Showing Discussions 81 to 90 of 248 Replies Last Post
New WCC owner from Italy - looking for a fuses box
Hi there, i want introduce myself, i'm Fabrizio from Italy. Yes…a west coast cobra arrived in...
07-27-2018 03:11 AM
Difficulty obtaining any information
Dear All, I am attempting, to not much avail, to contact the owner/agent/ any person who...
07-05-2018 08:01 PM
by BAsque1
Serial # of WCC build
Good morning folks: I am trying to obtain as much information as I can on the build of my WCC, I...
06-24-2018 02:52 PM
by FWB Go to last post
Windshield Replacements for WCC ?
Hi All, Can anyone recommend a vendor for new GLASS for the WCC windshields? Im looking for any...
05-22-2018 04:56 AM
by BAsque1 Go to last post
Ignition Switch used on Fox Body Columns
Hi all Just wanted to share a care point to be addressed on WCC cars that are using the Fox body...
05-14-2018 04:08 PM
by FWB Go to last post
Exhaust Baffles
Has anyone modified or removed their Baffles? The reason I ask is while I am waiting for parts to...
05-11-2018 06:01 AM
Interior Materials Supplier- Albright's
Hey All, I just wanted to share a great supplier for anything you need for building/rebuilding or...
05-10-2018 07:02 AM
Car Cover
Not sure if this has been brought up before or not, I would like to get a car cover for my West...
02-13-2018 08:19 PM
460 Cobra Valve Cover Breather?
Hi there, I’m having a heck of a time trying to locate these for a 460 Block. The ones I’ve...
02-13-2018 01:09 PM
by FWB Go to last post
aluminum fuel tank
I have new custom fuel cell for the west coast 1/8 alum baffled single or double fitting for...
12-02-2017 08:14 PM
by OldToys Go to last post

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