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TXWOOD 02-01-2008 07:54 PM

MAN UP and move on to another kit car company. If you study the FFR base model, it is almost as complete as the Hurrican kit and is less money and a better chassis in my opinoin and if you buy during the FFR special you get an extra $2000 in goodies

jshel1 02-01-2008 08:10 PM


Keep the faith. I have a good feeling after checking my email today.

Venamm 02-01-2008 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by JoshBiz (Post 810610)
Thanks guys for all the thoughts. But I really like the completeness of the Hurricane kit and their customer service was like I was talking with my father simply amazing. But they just dropped the ball with talking with us. Why not remain at least friends with you customers? Keep talking with them that’s all. To just shut the doors with all customer service is not good for any company not Hurricane or even Dell. What is there excuse for not replying to anyone? And you are all right this business is a little crazy at times and many companies do just close the doors and I really don’t want to see that with this one. I feel somehow connected with the way they treated me from the first time I spoke with them.
I can move on to another company and I probably will I just want to get my story out there and maybe just maybe get an resolution to all this.

Jwd you may be right "This is their true calling Contact Us - Hurricane Software Cobras are a sideline. Doesn't mean they are a non-profit business though."

Thanks Guys,

You seem like a real nice guy. Don't take this the wrong way but that might be a problem. This industry and world are full of weasels. The worst breed besides lawyers (sorry Jamo) are car weasels. You might need to grow a larger set, they don't want your friendship just your money. Move on to another car. feel the wind in your hair sooner. ITS NOT ABOUT THE BUILD ITS ABOUT THE DRIVE!!

snakebitekit 02-01-2008 09:35 PM

The devil is always in the details. :eek:


LMH 02-01-2008 09:39 PM

Hey Josh
If you want a Hurricane, my advice would be to wait a little while and see what Hurricane does with their product. It's not over until the fat lady sings.
Just keep saving your money for the time being. It's never going to be enough anyway, trust me!

Bill Bess 02-02-2008 05:24 AM

Josh, Patience is the word right now.
I for one hope that Hurricane pulls through this decision time with results that please everyone that loves the Hurricane and the folks running the place.
If things end up with only "Turn-key" can still own a Hurricane, if not buy a different brand. There are many brands out there and most are very good and they provide the same great service that Hurricane has provided in the past.

Relax, don't stress and have fun with this hobby, Best of luck, Bill

madmaxx 02-02-2008 06:08 AM


I had no idea and apologize for the incorrect comment. I thought everyone had received what they paid for. This is a screaming alert no to do business with them, as we all know there is a multiple manufactures out there.

Originally Posted by madmaxx
Those that committed cash,funds, received their cars / parts and those that vacillated received what they paid for which was nothing.

You don't have the whole story. Your statement is incorrect. I will refuse to comment further until Hurricane states what their intentions are.

trularin 02-02-2008 06:33 AM

JoshBiz, I do not know where you are, but I think the fact that you did not fork out cash and then wait for several months is better.

Sometimes companies start with the best of intentions and when they fail to understand ROI and cash-flow, they become strapped. Joey_HV has made a good point that they did not take your money.

However, the returning of communication is inexcusable...unless there is simply no one there to take care of this.

Get a price and shop the market. I like my LoneStar and they everything from parts to kits and even rollers.

Be thankful you did not get sucked under for a lot of money.

Just my $0.02 worth. :D :D :D

decooney 02-02-2008 09:06 AM

If it does not work out...

Originally Posted by cal.cheesehead (Post 810913)
Josh, my cobra has been a dream for 30 years. Now my kids are grown and I'm a bit like you, ready to make the plunge. I have reasearched this for about 2 plus years. Being over 50, I wanted an independant rear suspension and I didn't want a piece meal car. I will go with Uinque for the reasons you are disappointed with Hurricane. I have spoken to 6 or 7 builders. Allan at Unique is always happy to spend time explaining and answering questions. They have been in the biz for over 30 years. I am planning a trip to visit them and place my order in the next month or so. Good luck

I second your comments about Unique, 110%. Alan, Maurice, Gene and the whole crew there are stand up people. They make the build a home town experience. I had a Unique. Got a nice trophy for it once too. Built it, drove it, and helped my friend on his Hurricane and drove that too. Both of us had Unique's at the time and he did a Hurricane afterwards just to see what they were like. I was around for that Hurricane build start to end as well. When this thread started, my first thoughts were..well, "if it does not work out for the Hurricane customers in that price range...just go buy a Unique and be done with it".
For those of you who want to wait for a Hurricane, maybe just give them until March or something and check back. I wouldn't answer the phone either if I was restructing a company and just told everyone that. Things sometimes take longer than expected. Maybe wait and see. If you guys can't wait 2 months for them, you'd never want to buy an ERA, it takes up to two years when they get backed up. Hang tight and see. You never know... might be worth the wait, and if not, you'll have your answer in a few months anyhow. Hopefully the Hurricane can make it and there will be good stuff around the corner for those who are patient. :D

aks801 02-02-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by decooney (Post 811057)
I second your comments about Unique, 110%. Alan, Maurice, Gene and the whole crew there are stand up people. They make the build a home town experience. I had a Unique. Got a nice trophy for it once too. Built it, drove it, and helped my friend on his Hurricane and drove that too. Both of us had Unique's at the time and he did a Hurricane afterwards just to see what they were like. I was around for that Hurricane build start to end as well. When this thread started, my first thoughts were..well, "if it does not work out for the Hurricane customers in that price range...just go buy a Unique and be done with it".
For those of you who want to wait for a Hurricane, maybe just give them until March or something and check back. I wouldn't answer the phone either if I was restructing a company and just told everyone that. Things sometimes take longer than expected. Maybe wait and see. If you guys can't wait 2 months for them, you'd never want to buy an ERA, it takes up to two years when they get backed up. Hang tight and see. You never know... might be worth the wait, and if not, you'll have your answer in a few months anyhow. Hopefully the Hurricane can make it and there will be good stuff around the corner for those who are patient. :D

Amen, brother! If anyone is in the buy mode TODAY, there are other excellent companies available. If you can wait a few months, then wait and see. Speculation (of which I have been guilty) just doesn't add anything to the equation.

Movin' on.....

WildBill3 02-02-2008 12:47 PM

Venamm if your having fun driving great (as you have stated twice) some love the build if FFR would have canceled kits I wouldnt have bought thers either.Like many I loved models as a kid,I and others here think the build makes it all worth it,anyone can go buy a car not that ther anything wrong with that if you want that doit.But if your a hands on guy or gal that part is important.I love kickin the #$%^ outa guys on the track that have just bought ther cars it makes me that much more satisfied with what we do here in your own garage,and if i mess something up I get the plesure of figuring it out...WB3

khansmith 02-02-2008 01:45 PM

I took a gamble on an early stage company when I bought my Hurricane and I feel like I won. All I can say is that Hurricane has treated me with nothing but respect and honesty. Missing part? sent out next day. Issue with quality? Issue resolved. Looks like they took the high road by not taking any money.

jwd 02-02-2008 05:30 PM

I agree with Khan 100%. Hurricane has not tried to deceive anyone or take orders they didn't intend to fill. With the state of the economy and the competition in this industry, they are doing the right thing. Step back, take a deep breath and try to move forward in a postive manner. I can only hope that the end result is that they decide to continue offering kits so I can buy another 1 or 2. I have been very happy with their customer service (the best in the industry). My relationship with Hurricane has been very positive and if I portrayed anything negative about them in my prior posts, it was not intentional. Let's hope for the best.


Venamm 02-02-2008 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by WildBill3 (Post 811103)
Venamm if your having fun driving great (as you have stated twice) some love the build if FFR would have canceled kits I wouldnt have bought thers either.Like many I loved models as a kid,I and others here think the build makes it all worth it,anyone can go buy a car not that ther anything wrong with that if you want that doit.But if your a hands on guy or gal that part is important.I love kickin the #$%^ outa guys on the track that have just bought ther cars it makes me that much more satisfied with what we do here in your own garage,and if i mess something up I get the plesure of figuring it out...WB3

Building (Like I did) does not mean you can drive it at all nor kick the*&$# out of anyone who just went out with a AMEX and purchased a turn key. Your lack or respect is evident Just because you might have more grease under your nails means squat about your knowledge of driving. It just means you have more time then others. I have built many cars I rather enjoy the time tasting the wine and not making.

But lets stick to the topic here. I hear a bit of moaning and griping about how Hurricane hasn't returned his calls. OMG move on...who is losing here? THEY ARE....a lot of fine companies out there. A lot of people get so caught up on the name tag and they forget about life. MOVE ON.....These cars are starting to become like A holes...EVEYONE HAS ONE. If Hurricane cant even return your call or mention something in the web page they do not deserve a cent. Plus (JOSH) you haven't lost a cent so the way I see it you have nothing to complain about..MOVE ON!!!!

ROUSHAC 02-02-2008 09:33 PM

Has anyone else noticed that it seems like this time of year (every year) you can just feel the love on a lot of the posts on a lot of threads.

I hope it is just the Winter Blues kicking in, but then again maybe a lot of us are becoming like the cars are in Venamm's last post above. :LOL:

rdorman 02-02-2008 09:54 PM

Tis' the season Dave, tis the season.

Jamo 02-03-2008 12:56 AM


Bite me!


Josh, as we all learned not so long ago, you can be dying and it won't make an unresponsive company move any quicker. Whether it's a bit of tough love from Cranky or the Dr. Phill approach used by others, the message is the same: Wake up! If folks didn't care, they wouldn't be asking you to take a second look. :)

dlampe 02-03-2008 07:29 AM

I have been associated with Hurricane since about day 2! The "98" car was mine as some of you remember. I don't have a Hurricane but I still like the guys. If they need a little time to get things straighten out, give them some space. I can't believe how a couple of cry babies are trashing the great reputation Hurricane has built here over the last three years. Have any of you EVER read a post about Hurricane that didn't end on a positive note? I haven't.

If you haven't given them any money then sit back and see what happens. If you have given them money then you will get your car. Mike and Rich, I know you read this so if you have taken deposits make sure you are in contact with those people.

If you want a Hurricane, then wait a little longer to see what happens. If you just want a cobra, the buy a used one. There are plenty around right now.

JoshBiz 02-03-2008 07:53 AM


At what point did anyone here post and thing negative about Hurricane? I have just stated the truth about what’s going on in my situation and I got a phone call from Rich.
But I don’t think you have read the post properly if anything everyone here is bad mouthing me and telling me to move on which is fine people think what people think they don’t understand all the work and time I have put in to finally first decide on a manufacture and then get all my funds together. I am not rich but I did what I could to get the car of my dreams from the best manufacture in the business. And now I have to wait that’s my dilemma just kind of sad.
I wish Hurricane handled it better with my situation.

meat 02-03-2008 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by JoshBiz (Post 810393)
I want to tell my story so people can see the disappointment I have for my favorite replica company. I have been researching Cobra replicas for over a year and was very excited to buy a Hurricane (just ask my wife). Every day I go to the Hurricane site reading any post that goes up on the site also to see how the builds are going and I also read Club Cobra as well to get any update that I possibly can to book mark so I can return when I purchase my kit.

Dude, I feel your pain. I say 'keep the faith,' and one day you'll have your Cobra. There are many stories of companies that restructured and came back stronger and better than before.

Take, for instance, CMC. They spent years doing the same thing the same way, and then the shut down to restructure and ... err ... well, they left all the guys who had partial kits high and dry. And they kind of didn't bother to return the money of people who had put money down on kits that didn't exist.

Hmm... Maybe that wasn't the best story. Let's go with the legendary Cobra replica company L.A. Exotics. They restructured and ... well ... emptied their facility out over a weekend and disappeared.

Okay, my bad. Let's go with House of Cobras. At least when they restructured and shut down they didn't immediately disappear.

Okay, okay...let's go with the strong comeback made by Ck3 they ... well ... maybe not.

How about D&D Corvette? They restructured and ... no, wait, the owner was arrested ...


Y'know ... maybe - just maybe - you might want to look at any one of the other 60 manufacturers who make Cobra replicas.

I'm just sayin'...

Your pal,

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