03-30-2005, 09:45 PM
CC Member
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Arkadelphia, AR,
Cobra Make, Engine: Kirkham 427 brushed aluminum with Keith Craft 527C.I. all aluminum FE
Posts: 992
Not Ranked
We have done two FEs recently with webers, one was a 454C.I. and the other a 482C.I. with the 48IDA webers. These engines have to have a smaller camshaft than the regular style carbureted engines. This I believe along with the smaller webers we were running made the engines make about 40 HP less than the 950 carburetors but the torque was silimiar and the engines drive real well in the cars. The 454 engine made 600ft/bls torque and 550HP and the 482 made 570HP and 620ft/lbs torque. The largewr engine having the broader power band but both engines made power up to 6000rpms. We had the 454 engine on the chassi dyno the other day and it made like 500ft/lbs and 460HP at the rear tires through a independent suspension. The customer and ourselves where pretty happy about this. Thanks, Keith
Keith C