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Old 07-01-2013, 12:03 PM
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Default Broken Piston Award Winner Is:

The Broken Piston Award
The Kentucky Cobra Club

Our first Annual Broken Piston Award was awarded to John Takvorian from Cambridge, Massachusets, after Club member Bryan Marshall nominated him shortly after the London Cobra Show in 2012. Below you will read about Bryan Marshalls nomination of John Takvorian and about John's actions that weekend in 2012.

The Broken Piston Award was created in 2013 by the Kentucky Cobra Club (KCC) to recognize good Samaritans who have come to the aid of a club member in a time of need. No matter how intrepid an owner may be; there are times when vintage machinery or happenstance leave one in a lurch.

A sense of humanity is the hallmark of the Broken Piston Award. It is reserved for people who go beyond the common standards of politeness and truly help someone in need. The awardee need not belong to the Kentucky Cobra Club or even be a cobra owner. An awardee is defined solely by their actions.

If a member receives help and believes that it warrants the award then he/she provides the circumstances and details to the president of the KCC. If the award criteria are met then a Broken Piston Award certificate is prepared, signed by the president, and forwarded to the recipient. The narrative is then added to the awards page on the
website. Awards and the reasons why they were given will also be provided to the membership in our Snake Bites newsletter.

A history of all awards will available as a link on the website.

The Broken Piston Award signifies the spirit of “Broken But Not Beaten” and reaffirms the club’s motto---
It really is about the people.

For more about John and the Broken Piston award please click here.
Juan Lopez-Bonilla
Kentucky Cobra Club

2432 Crittenden Drive, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40217
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