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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2006, 07:40 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Louisville, KY
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Default Fall Cruise Invitation

You are all invited to our yearly Kentucky Cobra Club Fall Cruise, scheduled for Saturday October 21st.

We will travel to the Kentucky Speedway in Sparta, Kentucky and will be guests at the Boy Scouts yearly Jamboree at the Speedway along with other car clubs they have invited. We are planning to arrive at the Speedway about 10:30 AM, they will provide us lunch and after that we will continue on our cruise at about 1:30PM.

The Schedule is as follows:

1) The group from Louisville will gather at the Dairy Queen on the plaza at the intersection of US 42 and River Road at 8:15 AM. We will depart promptly at 8:30 AM and head East on Hwy 42 towards Warsaw, Kentucky. At Warsaw we will head South on 35 to the Speedway. The address for the Dairy Queen is 9515 US Hwy 42, their phone number is 502-228-3725

2) The group from Lexington will gather at the Bob Evans on Winchester Road (HWY 60) and I-75 and depart promptly at 8:30 AM on US 609 West toward Lexington, then North on 25 toward Georgetown and then travel on 227-N to Owenton and 127-N to Sparta and I-35-N to thye Speedway. The Bob Evans address is 2341 Buena Vista Rd. and the phone number is; 859-293-1572. Buena Vista is a little side road parallel to Rt. #60, or Winchester Road. Folks traveling from Richmond and points south should turn toward Lexington to find Bob Evans.

3) After the Speedway visit we will depart at about 1:30 PM and travel together South on 35 through Sparta and on to I-127 South toward Owenton, Monterey and finally to Frankfort. The two groups will then split up and travel 60-West toward Louisville and 60-East toward Lexington.

For those on the Lexington group, Bill Alley is the point person, 859-221-6277 (c).

For the group from Louisville, Juan Lopez-Bonilla is the point person, 502-558-2904 (c) or at any of the numbers below or write me e-mail with questions.

Spread the word and join us on our always fun Fall Cruise for 2006. And don't forget to bring warm clothes just in case it is very cold. We have quite a few new members that I am sure you will want to meet.

Best regards, and should you have any questions or concerns please let me know by e-mail or call me at the two numbers below.

Bring the above phone numbers with you in case you get lost or you wish to contact us that day.

Juan Lopez-Bonilla
Kentucky Cobra Club

2432 Crittenden Drive, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40217
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