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Old 08-26-2008, 07:42 PM
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Default Cruise to the Overlook Inn, Indiana

Overlook Cruise
Saturday, 30 August 2008

The Overlook Inn ( )
Cruise will depart from the Hampton Inn in New Albany, Indiana at 1000 AM on Saturday the 30th of August 2008. Here is the link to the hotel's web site:


506 West Spring Street
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 944-4600

There is a Petrol station across the street. It is 75 miles to The Overlook. Top off.

If you wake up on the 30th and look out the window and you see rain and you have a Mini Cooper, then you might say "No sweat." That is irrelevant. Most of the participants will be without a roof of any kind. Therefore, since the ride leader lives two hours from the start point a go/nogo decision will be made at 0700. If you are in doubt call 859.623.1899 and the recorded message will tell you if we are going or not. I will also post this information on the Kentucky Cobra Club website forum which can be found here:

The route runs southwest along the Ohio River and then north before cutting back to the west and finally emerging on, you guessed right, the overlook. We will arrive in time for lunch and there is ample parking. Plan to socialize and chat and enjoy the view.

The return is up to you. The interstate will take you to New Albany pronto, the Kentucky folks may want to go south, cross the Ohio and take the Kentucky side north to Louisville. Your choice.

If you plan to attend and have my email, send me a note. If you a registered at KCC then post on the forum. Failing those options, just leave a note on the recorder at the number listed above.

We have enjoyed a combined Cooper and Cobra Cruise in the past to The Overlook. This one will be fun. Come join us. I will have Q-Sheets at the start. I will have an FSR radio and it will be set to channel 5.

Vince and Bea
Toad Hill Farm, Madison County, KY


Contact Information

Vince Lubbers
Toad Hill Farm, Madison County, KY

Juan Lopez-Bonilla
2432 Crittenden Drive, Suite 201, Louisville, KY 40217

Terry Riebel
10916 Aspenview Court, Louisville,KY 40299
Juan Lopez-Bonilla
Kentucky Cobra Club

2432 Crittenden Drive, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40217

Last edited by froggyman; 08-26-2008 at 07:45 PM..
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