I hardly slept at all last night in the anticipation! Christmas morning all over
I used Intercity Lines for the shipping. They were very good. The driver, Maurice, pulled up at the time he said. Poor guy had to unload two cars off the top to get to the cobra (it was an Austin Mini Wagon, and a 944 turbo).
Then KM647 came out, man these cars are so beautiful, even more in real life too! We had to push it all the way to my garage, which was hard with the Billboard tires.
Car is perfect, expect for a few minor things (for example, asked for a wood steering wheel, got the leather one, not a problem, already talked to Tom about it).
Anyways, enjoy the pics, and I'll go back to the garage and make engine noises

My dog, Zazie, watching the whole thing, she was very entretained!