I really hope that you so run for office and defeat Senator Hatch. I wish more people realized that when you have been there for so many years and have changed nothing, you are part of the problem and not the solution. Please go for it and good luck. To quote Brent, just keep your head on straight when you get there, and you will get there!
Byron W.
The unfortunate thing about becoming involved in politics is that you have to become a politician.
Well, he is a car salesman...same same.
Folks...this is obviously a bit different than an armchair political thread that has erupted into virtual fistfights in the past. If you truly don't want to read anything political on this site...do not read this thread.
Davey...that's the craziest damn thing I've heard since some kids went over to Poland thinking they could make some full-sized toy cars at an old airplane factory.
I doubt that political threads were banned here because people didn't want to read them. And this is not the first time special consideration has been given to a significant site sponsor.
I believe Groucho Marx said, "I'd never join a club that would allow a person like me to become a member." Likewise, being willing to run for public office automatically makes one suspect for holding it, IMHO.
Cheetah tribute completed 2021 (TommysCars.Weebly.com)
Previously owned EM Cobra
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor
Cobra Make, Engine: Don't think I'll be getting a Cobra for a long time... Do have '94 RX-7 R2.
Posts: 2,330
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Just remember to spend other people's money to get elected. I suspect that you have made a lot of connections with the Utah Tea Party and you would be able to get support and political contributions from your connections. And I suspect that some of your club cobra connections would be willing to donate as well.
I say stick to your principals and don't compromise them in order to attract other voters. There have certainly been some shake ups in the last election, so why not go for the upset. And I would not worry about the lack of political experience, go straight for the Senate seat.
Thank you all for your kind words. I will be posting more here next week. I will post some of the latest articles on the race here if you all are interested. I sincerely thank you all for keeping the flames and mud out of the discussion. I appreciate all the PM's, emails, phone calls, and offers of support (both financial and hands on).
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA #732, 428FE (447 CID), TKO600, Solid Flat Tappet Cam, Tons of Aluminum
Posts: 22,011
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Brother, can you spare a dime?
From last week's NYTimes Caucus blogs...
Hatch had a record fundraising quarter in Utah, posting $3.4 million on hand at the end of June. Chaffetz had just $227,000 at the end of the same second quarter— the first tangible sign that a Senate run might not be in the cards.
Hatch had a record fundraising quarter in Utah, posting $3.4 million on hand at the end of June. Chaffetz had just $227,000 at the end of the same second quarter— the first tangible sign that a Senate run might not be in the cards.
Money in Utah races is a funny thing. We have a very unique caucus system here in Utah. Delegates decide who can advance to the primary at our Nominating Convention. We only send two candidates to a primary. (The Convention narrows the field to only two.) Further, if one candidate gets 60% of the delegate vote at Convention, there is NO primary--the candidate moves directly to the general election as the party nominee. Mike Lee, now Senator Mike Lee, spent very little money up to convention. Senator Bennett, now former Senator Bennett, had millions in the bank--it didn't help. Too much money can even turn off some delegates.
Today's Wall Street Journal has a front page article - "GOP's Hopes Rise for Senate Control". It says...
"The upshot is a target-rich environment for Republicans, even as their task of defending their own incumbents has become somewhat easier in recent weeks, as tea-party challenges to Republican Sens. Orrin Hatch of Utah, Richard Lugar of Indiana and Olympia Snowe of Maine have faded.
Democrats would rather run against tea-party newcomers than incumbents."
With David, I am not so sure they would have such an easy mark. The Democrats were able to defeat tea party newcomers in the 2010 elections where the candidate had lots of baggage to attack. Like Sharron Angle against Harry Reid in Nevada. Or Christine O'Donnell with her witchcraft mess against Chris Coons in Delaware. Proper teas party candidates did rather well. That is why Obama's feet were held to the fire in the debt limit debate.
A good candidate who is not a nut will fare just fine against Orrin Hatch or against any Democratic challenger.
I did a web search. The last Democratic senator from Utah was Frank E. Moss. He left office in 1977. He lost re-election to Orrin Hatch. Get the nomination David.
I wish you well. I would like to put a David for Senate sign in my front yard. Might not influence too many voters (Georgia) though.
If I can be cheeky enough to offer a few insights?
Firstly you have the main support you need and that is from family at home. If you have similar support from your work family it makes the decision a little easier.
I have had quite a bit of Political experience and again will offer a few thoughts from someone that has been there and done it. Bear in mind I was 33 years old when I first had the Political itch and scratched it...
At 33 years old I became involved in a planning issue in my town that saw me become part of a small group of residents that opposed a major hotel, game venue and motel complex on community owned land. Our Council (Local Government) saw the open community space as an option for sale. As the land neighbored homes and was used by the local community as parkland etc. it became quite an issue.
Following I stood for Local Government as a Council Representative. I was elected. We were able to stop the development but it was not through my work but a developer that just did not have
the cash etc.
I was now looking at a full three year term with two and a half years to go and no issues to argue in Council. The community facilities became my target as I had a young family and saw the need for these. A liitle like wanting to turn the lights on in some areas - my own Mig factory.
It was an interesting couple of years with my being elected as the Mayor in the Bellarine seat -
now a main part of the very large The City of Great Geelong - I was still in my 30's with children aged 4 to 12 years old. I had a very supportive family and I committed to involving them in as many of the community and Local Government events that I could.
It was an exciting, interesting but demanding time. I worked for Shell Petroleum and they supported me by giving me time off to run the City and attend Mayoral functions as Mayor.
With the support of work and my family I would not have been able to do this.
The allowance salary was quite low at about $40,000 for a Mayor. Now around $80,000 - 2010 year.
So my point is Local Government salaries are not high and if you have a business your eye will be off it and you will put pressure on other partners or family in the business to pick up your role/share. This could mean even longer hours than you are working now.
I had the support of an international company - they continued to pay my salary when I was the Mayor and whilst I was away from work!!
I resigned from Local Government two years later and re focused on work, a rebuild of an old house and cars things. I returned to Shell for the first time after my involvement in Local Government.
Twelve months later the Premier of our State. - read your Governor - phoned me and asked me to become a Commissioner in our State of Victoria. I was still in my thirties and I guess ego
kicked in a little and I agreed, as our Premier had previously received the ok from Shell for me to leave work and work for the Government again, albeit State Government level this second time
This second period was a little different to what I had previously been exposed to in Local Government, as it was a State appointment that attracted well over $120,000 in 1994 plus allowances.
My role was one of Chairman of Commissioners at the largest City in Victoria. The city, Wyndham City Council was now an amalgamation of three larger city - parts of Geelong, Williamstown, Melton and Altona. The largest and fastest growing region in our State.today the biggest and most prosperous area in our State. We encouraged industry, recreation and investors to the area.
My role as Chairman of Commisioners - Government appointed Mayor and administrator - was fulltime and continued for nearly three years, I later returned to my position at Shell Petroleum. Commissioners where placed in the city to replace Councils and Mayors during Council amalgamations.
Again, my point is even whilst these positions were both high profile and well paid, I know it impacted on my family and on my fulltime job/position at Shell. I lost promotional opportunities and certainly skills whilst away from Shell. Simply if your business is running well and can see you take leave then go for it.
Would I do it again? Short answer is yes as this time provided me with opportunities to network and see many other opportunities. My time in Government allowed me to be on peak State business forums, Government work groups and forums that all gave me an opportunity to meet and work with some of the States brightest and motivated people. It gave me a number of opportunities to bring new business to town. To encourage investors to invest.
After - In short I returned to work at Shell and found Shell no longer challenged me. I left twelve months later and went into the fast food business..
This last move has proven a real winner for our family and I am glad that I did not take up an option of possible full-time seat in Government that was offered.
Just my $0.02 worth. Sorry about the ramblings!!!
Good luck with your decision. With your families support, business support and other peoples money backing your campaign you will know you are doing the right thing and have real support. If it is your money backing the campaign then be careful as it will drain reserves very quickly.
People all over the country would jump to help- Dems or Repubs because they know you -- they know that you are real, honest and can get **** done. Things that are lacking even in the politicians I know personally.
Good luck- Do it!
Sanded Aluminum Finish? Because I Can!
Not knowing about your work with your community I made a few observations, comments and some ramblings above. After reading about your current involvement I see you have a very large support base.
Politically this is a good starting point - obviously. A campaign will cost a lot but I see you have thousands of supporters.
Cobra Make, Engine: Kirkham KMP500 LeMans- Roush 451 Shelby block; KMP Flip-top with cammer: KMP 289 Bronze under construction.
Posts: 285
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David, In order to make a serious bid for a Senate seat, big bucks will be essential. How about building a couple special edition "Campaign Kirkhams" to auction off? Darren