Dear Fellow Car Enthusiasts--especially Utah ones!
There is a huge movement across the country to have a "Tea Party" (in honor of the Boston Tea Party) to protest the spending spree going on Washington. I couldn't take it any more and decided I had to do something so I am organizing a protest too.
I have never been to a protest in my life...but now, I can't stand still any longer. There are tax breaks and bailouts for everyone who has made bad decisions and small business throughout the country are left holding the bag.
I am organizing a "Tea Party" on the West Stairs of the Utah State Capitol to protest the out-of-control spending and the squandering of our country's future. The Salt Lake Tea Party will be on Friday, March 6, 2009 at the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City. Poster making begins at 11:00 AM and the rally will kick off at 12:00 noon when the legislators break for lunch. We want to tell them what we think as the legislators walk down the stairs to go to lunch.
This is the video that started it all. "The shout heard round the world!"
Here you can see the Tea Parties across the country.
I need everyone's help to get the word out. This should be right up Cobra owner's alley!
Thank you very much in advance!