Originally Posted by trularin
Wes, are the tags for open state land? Or is it a lottery?

It's a lottery system, Tru. From
this Game & Fish page, it looks to be difficult to get an antlered Mule Deer license for non-residents since I know not all applying residents are able to get a buck license in
western areas. Here is a
similar map overlay for Pronghorn antelope.
Most, or all, of the antler/trophy quotas are filled for 2009. In the case of meathunters, 20,000
doe permits are still(?) available in several
areas (units).
License fees are $20+ for residents and, for nonresidents, Deer Gun (1st Lottery) - $220 (includes general game and habitat stamp, $13; nonresident hunting, fishing, furbearer certificate, $2; and a $5 application fee). After second lottery is held, the price of a nonresident deer gun license is $50. Resident and nonresident hunters can
apply online at the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website.
I think Montana may include some combination licenses with deer and Pronghorn, maybe elk in one. Not sure. Almost all deer in Montana are Mule.
I know all these critters are free if you can hit them with a truck or train. Trains are hard to aim, so there is a bit of extra pride in it.
No. In reality, since most encounters are in twilight or darkness, a quick hand on the headlight switch, combined with a quick reaction time by the creature, saves quite a few weekly.