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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2012, 05:59 PM
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Default New addition to our family !

6 months ago was adopted a Eleanora Cockatoo, which is a sub-species of the greater sulfur-crested cockatoo from Australia. We got her from a parrot rescue in New Mexico. She wasn't abused, but neglected. She says about 20 words and so far, about 5 words/sentences we've taught her like, "I love you Papa", "Papa come here", "outside" ? "I'm hungry", "good morning & good night", "wanna a shower". We also play hide & seek. We bought her a large cage which is in the home office, a play stand in the living room and a cage for outside on the deck or front steps.

We take showers together about every 3 days to wash off the white powder they produce to keep dry & soft skined. She loves it as she flaps her wings and non-stop talking. lol

We love her to death. She is defiantly my bird and does not like my wife (Patty, which most birds pick either a male or female to bond with and PROTECT. lol

She will let anyone buy Patty pet and play with her.
She does not trust our dogs & cats yet, and will scream and flap her wings to scare them if any get close. lol

Cockatoo's are very funny and clowns. As soon as we get a new camcorder I'll be recording her. I'll link some youtube vids below to see how pretty and funny they are. I'm training her to be my "little helper mechanic". She loves picking up my tools.

The rescue does not know her original name, so we renamed her,....."SHELBY"
(hum,...wonder why) lol
We think it was baby, because she says about 6 words, like "hey baby" etc...

Here she is picking up a wrench.

Link for more pics-

Shelby Our Eleanora Cockatoo pictures by 427HISS - Photobucket


Swearing cock-

Last edited by FUNFER2; 09-14-2012 at 07:33 AM..
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2012, 07:07 PM
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Now that is cool!!!
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