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  #3101 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2005, 06:43 PM
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Hey Kristen:

When I won my first trophy for the very first car show I put my cobra in I was exstatic. It was the Mdland show put on buy the West Texas Cruisers. It was wonderful indoor show and a lot of really nice hardware was in house. We won "Best of Show". I was so very happy because we had spent three long years building the cobra and were happy to have it completed.

After the show I called Tom Meadows (ERA680HP) and told him how excited I was to have won "a" trophy with my car. He asked "what did I win". I told him "Best of Show" My chest was all pumped up like a kid with a new toy.

Tom Says, "Ok Steve, here is what I want you to do. I want you to figure out how much it cost to build the Cobra and divide that by the number of cubic inches of the trophy"

Ok said "uh, OK"

The trphy cost a bit over $1000.00 a cubic inch. It was a nice sixe trophy too. But for that I could have went and purchased a really nice one.

Don't worry. You will win a show. It will happen. The first trophy is always the best trophy. I won five trophies at one show, one year. They do not mean near as much to me as the first one does. You have a VERY nice car. You have the respect of your CC member piers. That is the best trophy anyone could ask for.
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  #3102 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2005, 07:19 PM
hey,littlecobra's Avatar
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Default oh, I've won a couple....

I've done ok at shows; won a couple, 2nd a couple. For some reason tho' AER doesn't do well with me. There are soooo many good cars there- across the board. 258 registered cars. That's awesome. great looking mustangs, gto's, chevelle's, and yes, a couple of awesome vette's!!
Fred, your car is about the best looking car. It's not only a striking color combo, but you maintain it beautifully. I guessed you and Mark easy...... like I said, a toss up for the rest of us.... we're all pretty similar, give or take. I don't know the solution to an original being in the same category as the replica's.... some shows put them in their own, some group the same. If I had a $350,000 + car, I'd be pretty bummed if I didn't win, too!!! I'm glad he won. He should have. You should have won, too. You did. I wouldn't have minded placing, and oh well, there's always next year!!!! btw. I saw you sneak thru that yeller lite!!!

Mike- the best of show category is a group of judge's selections. There is also a people's choice award. That one is mostly a 'who wants to buy it the most' award. I did put $20 bucks to it.....
The category's went from A-Z-CC. Cobra's were K. There were 13 best of show awards. For instance, if there are 4 different categories of trucks, best of show would group them into one, and pick their favorite. All GM cars were grouped into best GM.... not 60's, 70's, etc.
It's a great show, well run, professional outfit. they give away an engine- either a 302,350, or 351. You pick.
Pretty good quality.
I was hoping my buddies would pity me and I'd get enough 'authentic' pity votes to let me win something. Guess I wasn't whining enough!!
Gary is in Vegas, checking on his baby, and wasn't at the show, politicking for me!! Also, I don't wear an itty bitty skirt, or an itty bitty top with fake enhancements.
I wasn't trying to sound like whining.... just my 'fake *****ing' about a trophy! I've got 3 trophies in the garage- not bad for just over a year, and only 5 shows!!

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  #3103 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2005, 07:37 PM
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The best trophie isn't a trophie at all, its the beautiful Blue Cobra you have in the garage that you snagged at the right place, at the right time.... Right?

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  #3104 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2005, 07:48 PM
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right place, right time..... no kidding.....

Gary sold me his cobra 3/4/04. He 'acquired' his CSX shortly thereafter..... It was delivered on 6/9/04 (?) thereabouts.... It was returned to shelby/vegas in Oct/nov/dec. (can't remember)
He is in Vegas this weekend, checking it out before it heads back home. Be a couple of weeks before it arrives, and details still to be done. So, my point is, no, he doesn't regret selling me his cobra. He wants the csx. cool. I've had the benefit of meeting great folks, having a fun time, and just doing something different in this middle aged female's life for awhile. Yeah, right place, right time......

I still wouldn't mind csx2128
$2 mil. where would I get that kind of money????!!!! oh, I know......
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  #3105 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2005, 07:53 PM
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Hey CG.....sounds like you had fun.....and thats the main thing.....I was coooooooped up inside all day...wanted to go to the Flea market, rent one of them little scooters, and ride around but the "Warden/Wife" said "NO WAY"!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well, she did say she would take me to Cracker Barrel for brerakfast tomorrow......maybe then we can sneak over to the Flea Market, since it's only about 3/4 of a mile away....

Did you hear about me getting hit with a "CANNON BALL" today???????????????????
Safe Flyin, errrrr Drivin, Earl
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  #3106 (permalink)  
Old 05-07-2005, 08:06 PM
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the cannon ball being about the tumor, maybe malignant, maybe benign, nobody knows but sure as heck glad it's out.....cannon ball?
or.... your granddaughter is back? daughter dumped the loser? bummer about your pay? not the best day... but tomorrow go have a 'fat tire' beer!!!
ps. I need your address. will you pm me?
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  #3107 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 06:03 AM
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Your car will always be a winner and the plaques and trophies won't make it any better. I have five or six that I won several years ago before I quit entering shows as I realized I was tired of standing around for 8 hours and not really being able to go enjoy the rest of the cars. Even have a silver plate that they gave all the cars that were on stage that year. And they are all stored in the bottom of my Mother's cedar chest. You are a winner with or without the car and that is what counts. Don't give up and for the $2 million, you can do what some of the peopleat the big Sacramento MOPAR show did. Go over to a booth that sold trophies and buy whatever you want and they will inscribe it for you. I never did understand that, but the guy running the booth told me he sold a lot of them. They buy them then take them to the next shhow and people look at them and figure if the car won that, it must be good and they vote for it. POLITICS at work.

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  #3108 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 06:40 AM
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Hi! I think it is pretty lame for somebody to buy their own trophy.... well, except for the people's choice award.... you can put in $50 bucks, or whatever you want, but basically everybody at the show can put in money. How bad do you want the trophy??? Put in $100, 200, etc. It all goes to charity. I like that....
I only do a few shows. I don't want to spend the whole day babysitting the cars. I do go around and vote, tho'. There is a nice show at the shelby midamerica meet in Tulsa in June. Since I'm at Tulsa anyway, I'll do that show. I've only done one 'drive-in' kind of show... at the Terrell Jubilee a couple of weeks ago. Got there pretty late, so not too bad. Mrs. 66Snake does a benefit show. It's for a women's shelter. I'd rather do a charity show any day than a for profit kind of show.

gotta go! get the kids fed, get to church, big ol Mother's day brunch at the club, (fat fat fat) home for a nap.....
talk to ya later!!

got the pm, Earl, and Ron. thanks!
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  #3109 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 06:45 AM
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What is with the cannon ball?

Greetings folks, hope all you men are making breakfast for your ladies.

So, it looks like a 75 degree day and the roads have more holes than swiss cheese.

I'll idle around them.

Saw a pink cobra yesterday with silver stripes. Yuck.

Saw a 66 chevy that was all tires in the rear, that looked interesting.

Got to set the deck on the Kabota.

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  #3110 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 06:52 AM
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PINK? Im shivering with disgust, but to each his own.

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  #3111 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 06:52 AM
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Hey! Hey! What is with the topic thing here... NO topics.

Trophies, you can buy em and have anything you want printed on them.

It's the show.
I'm a writer, feed the artist and buy a book.
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  #3112 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 06:53 AM
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Tru- We hit the reply button at the same damn time!

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  #3113 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 06:54 AM
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Mike, did you make your mom breakfast???

How are you going to get the cobra in the garage if she has the SUV in there instead.

Got to be kind to the mom.
I'm a writer, feed the artist and buy a book.
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  #3114 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 07:01 AM
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dad's GF has suv. ?? Mom has something else, somewhere else??

Hope you got to see your mom this weekend. (not prying; we deal with rotating weekends with our 15 yo best buddy next door)

hey, tru. we can certainly talk about trophies for a few pages since we've talked about dogs for a few pages!!
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  #3115 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 07:23 AM
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I enjoy the charity shows and that is about all I go to any more. We just had ours here a couple of weekends ago. Meet some nice people and see some great cars. I am not a Corvette person but one guy had a Pro Street one there that was just wild. Beautiful and a blown engine with over 850 horse he said. And it goes for good causes. This one is to help high school kids that want to get into mechanics or machine work.

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  #3116 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 08:39 AM
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We did the Yellow rose show here in Fort Worth a few years ago. We spent all day cooped up in the building. I do not want to say it was a bad show. It was a good show. There were about 15 -20 CC members in the show. I just did not enjoy the show. I didn't like the way some of the trophies were handed out to the sponsering group, in different classes. Yes I won a trophy, but I felt like some of our fellow CC members got ripped off.

I don't want to start an aurguement. It is a good show, just not for me. Gary went through a lot of trouble to put it together for us all. The reason I said this, was that is the show we decided to never do another indoor show. They are a pain in the behind.

I like the parking lot shows. AER is the best one all year for us Dallas guys. There are always some stiff competition there as the prizes are great. It is well put on and no favoritism. Your car wins based on votes, not on who you are. I really miss the AER show every year. It is nice to see all the crew relaxed and enjoying themselves at a show. That is always a fun day.

We should get everyone from all over to come to the AER show next year, kinda like the Austin get together. That would make that the best event of the year.
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  #3117 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 08:50 AM
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Morning all......80 + degrees here....lovely day.......maybe I'll venture outside!!

Tru, the cannon ball thinng; yesterday while walking through the house I got a chill and started shiviering which threw me off balance just I walked by our CannonBall Post Bed where I received a CannonBall square in the surgery incision....."OUCH"!

Was the "PINK" Cobra a Mary Kay promo?????????????
Safe Flyin, errrrr Drivin, Earl
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  #3118 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 09:00 AM
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Someone some loves that PINK THING, good for them. That is what makes this cobra thing so good, we can all do what we want to do with our cars.

I went to a Vette show one time. I don't know why, I hate Vettes. But the nicest car in the building did not win anything because the stickers were wrong and the paint markings under the hood were not the right shade of blue. How could anyone enjoy a car if they had to worry that the car was EXACTLY like it was FORTY YEARS AGO, geeze who cares!

Go out and buy a cobra kit and paint poka dots on it if you want. One of our neatest members in our loacl CC group has a Chevy engine in his Cobra. Big Deal. This is about the people not the cars anyway.

Of course I don't know anyone who owns a poka dotted Cobra. Not that you would, but you could, I guess.
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  #3119 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 09:04 AM
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Hey I want one of those cool Avatars (?) If that is what those things are by our names on the left side. Earls' is really cool. It reminds me of my son when he has to go to the bathroom.LOL,LOL

How do you do that? and where can I get a cool one?
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  #3120 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2005, 09:33 AM
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There are several sites that you can go to and get animated pictures. Animation is just one that I can remember off the top of my head. I think you have to resize them to around 50 X 50 to use as avatars. Many sites have a big selection of free ones and others you have to join. Just do a search for animation sites. Then spend a week deciding which one you like.

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