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06-16-2005, 01:01 PM
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yea she needs to check up on us more often.
No telling what she is off doing. At least she got all new tires on her trailer now.
Where are you?
You know you can't stay away from here. Wees kant spel to gud. ju needa ceeep us n lin
The goats really do work. Call around to the feed stores. I promise you, Remedy will fix your problem. If you can' get it there let me know I 'll send you a gallon. If it is not illegal to mail it UPS or USPS. I can get it here because we have a farm.

06-16-2005, 01:02 PM
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Caint jus' hang a bag off de rump of da goat and claim youse is usen it fo' o-ganic fert-lizer fo' da gaaden? Or jus'a maybe youse can usa yo'sewf a cork in the goat sfinkater?
Brent Dolphin

06-16-2005, 01:45 PM
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yea tell them your recycleing

06-16-2005, 02:03 PM
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They can't sell Remedy here or anything else that will kill Star Thistle. Even CalTrans had to stop using some of the stuff they used. You would think these dam thistles are an endangered species or something and they stick so bad they make your legs bloody.
Only recycled manure is legal here and it has to be non toxic in case you swallow some of it.  Also no Goats except on a ranch or out of city limits. They must confuse the dog catchers to much.
Following is a fictional decription of what would happen if I had two goats.
Bought two goats, one I named Brent and one Steve. Put them in upper lot and they instantly took a dislike to each other but co-existed for a day or so. I have one rose bush that I still haven't cut and it has briars on it that are 8' long. Brent bit Steve in a bad place and Steve instantly kicked Brent under the chin with his right hind hoof. I had the wheel barrow and was on my way to cut the rose bush when this occurred. Brent and Steve, now highly ticked at each other turn and face off. Backing up about 10 paces each they lower their heads, snort a couple of times and charge full speed ahead. And Missed each other. Brent winds up in the middle of that big mess of rose briars, Steve hits the wheel barrow bending the side and tumbling over it. Steve gets up somewhat dazed, observes a little blood on front legs and shakes his head to clear it. Brent is busy getting out of the rose bushes and looks as if he has been turned into hamburger. Brent, observing that Steve has little blood becomes agitated again and really charges, head down. Steve steps aside and Brent goes over the 5' bank that is above my shed, which he hits the corner of dead on. Deciding I had best break this playful stint up, I get my slingshot and a few of the steel balls. My neighbor had walked out and was watching this so he is having a great laugh. Until I shot Steve in the butt with the steel ball. The steel ball glances off Steve and hits the neighbors car window leaving a really nice spider webb of cracks. Now Steve, seeing only me decides I must be responsible for the stinging in his rear end and charges. I duck through the gate and slam it. The animal control comes and claims I have mistreated Brent and Steve and they have to be on a farm. They are now happily living on a 100 acre ranch, I have a car window to pay for, and the upper lot is as clean of everything as it would be if I had swept it. Except the STAR THISTLE. Neither Steve nor Brent would touch that. Thanks for the help guys.
Last edited by Ron61; 06-16-2005 at 02:17 PM..

06-16-2005, 02:10 PM
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That is the funniest thing I have read in weeks.
I like the 100 acre retirement
Hey Brent
We need to go visit Ron, LOL
You want me to check on sending you some in the mail?

06-16-2005, 02:11 PM
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(creeeeeeeeeeeeeak..bam! clip clop, clip clop, creeeeeeeeeeeeeak..bam! clip clop, clip clop)x245.
Finally got back in here...that was a lot of doors to open and shut!
Bye again.
Happy to be back at Club Cobra!

06-16-2005, 02:13 PM
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Hey where you going?
Get your butt back in heea.
You have to get up early to keep up with these guys. 3:19 pm here central time

06-16-2005, 02:21 PM
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I sent you an e-mail. And speaking of Mike finally showing up again, have any of you seen or heard anything from LilMike lately? I know his e-mail works becasue I don't get any returned, but he hasn't posted since the post asking about his CD Drive going bad. I guess we should have warned him not to use his big engine tools to work on the inside of the computer with.

06-16-2005, 02:37 PM
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It's that darned Windows Mistake Edition.
Steve, we do need to visit. I promise not to bite hard if you don't kick hard. 100 acres sounds good, especially if he is going to split his $3million with you.
Ron, inject amonia in the plants. Back home the cows would eat them. Of course they eat anything too, including a 3 man tent and motorcycles seat.
Brent Dolphin

06-16-2005, 02:44 PM
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06-16-2005, 02:51 PM
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But I ain't eating the thistle. Hope he doesn't try to feed us goat chow.
Brent Dolphin

06-16-2005, 03:22 PM
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Amonia is another controlled substance up here. I think my answer is to find a few marijuna plants and put them in that lot, then call the Sheriff's eradication department. Whatever they use after they dig up a pot garden, nothing seems to ever grow there again.
Both of you come on up and we can go to Wendy's and I will treat you to a Goat Burger.
I think you are probably right about Lil Mikes ME edition. I had that for about 6 months and got rid of it. From the way he posted, it sounded as if his CD drive had gone bad or the computer just lost it and didn't know it was there which was my suspicion at first. It wouldn't show up when he opened the My Computer page where you see the drives and do the defrag and such. But when Ron(CW) had him put a CD in and mark where the label was and then take it out, it had ran the CD. So who knows. Mike said he was going to get another drive and install it.

06-16-2005, 03:34 PM
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Might have been something as simple as the lens being dirty and not recognizing a CD. If it didn't show up in "My Computer" it was probably a bad drive or cable.
Might be time for a new computer.
Brent Dolphin

06-16-2005, 03:52 PM
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I aint no canible.......... Goat Burgers

06-16-2005, 04:12 PM
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That was my thought. As cheap as computers are now, I won't waste a lot of time and money trying to fix an older one. And especially one that is running ME. I finally talked some friends of mine in Chico to get rid of the ME and put in XP and they are really happy now.
But by Mike's not showing up as a drive in My Computer, and yet according to what he said it is spinning the CD, that made me wonder. When I had the ME computer, my DVD drive gave me an error message that there was no such drive. And this after I had used it for 3 months. I got to looking in the System set up and the darn thing had marked the DVD drive which in mine was "D" Drive as unassigned. I just set it back to an assigned drive and had no more problems with it. Windows ME did some very strange things. He had opened it up and changed the ribbon cable from the "D" drive I think he said to the "E"drive, which is his CD and it made no difference. If it was just dust, that would be an easy fix, but that wouldn't keep it from showing the drive when he went to My Computer or Explorer.

06-16-2005, 04:21 PM
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I thought about that as I was posting and was too lazy to go back. He might be busy with girls too, now that school should be out, and just doesn't have time for us.
Brent Dolphin

06-16-2005, 04:27 PM
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Yea, with Kristen on the go so much he is going to have a hard time keeping up with her.
Also he was wanting to get a car. So do I. He wanted a 1965 Falcon I think it was and I want a 2006 Saleen SR-7. He will definately get his before I do mine.

06-16-2005, 04:38 PM
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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I'm here. It takes half an hour to read all the posts from when I'm gone. The problem is that my chillen's are home, and I've been busy being a 'mom'.  Just got home from dr. with #1 son. He has strep. No soccer clinic tonight. No basketball camp tomorrow. Maybe the Rangers game tomorrow with the church youth group. We'll see.
The car is still muddy. I leave for San Antonio Saturday. I'll be back Sunday evening. I'll spend some time next week getting the boys ready for camp, do some stuff around here, hopefully get a school project started, and then load up for London!!! Wish ya'll were going. I'm glad Tru is going. Would like to hook up with some of my other buddies. Of course I was hoping to meet Earl when I went to Florida in March. That was crazy.
Now I know Steve, but that doesn't count.....
Anyway, Steve hasn't made it to a Dallas event in awhile. hmmmm. Was that March?? Or April???
I am scrapbooking tomorrow. yea!!!! I will do six or so pages in the cobra book. Will try to take it with me to London.
I can't believe my mother in law isn't going to london with me.....
she is very worried about me hooking up with these 'internet men'.....  my hubby doesn't seem too worried. Course my black belt in uh, tae kwon do doesn't hurt....
If I hang around with Jay and Dave, then they are pretty good sized, body guard looking dudes.....
I lost almost 5 pounds from last Thursday to today. All that sweating and meal skipping in Tulsa. I'd like to lose about 15 more before this Saturday. I'll be seeing the boyfriend I had before I met my dear hubby, and lifesaver. (lifesaver- not Savior)
I thank my lucky stars (when I'm not mad at him) for saving and marrying me. He's a great guy, and happy as a clam to be a mr. mom. Lucky lucky lucky. his only downfall is that his hair is thinning a lot. Oh well. I can live with that.
My old boyfriend married a girl, had 3 little girls, and then a couple of years ago she picked up and poof, she was gone! I think that's pretty bad.....
The vultures are swarming. Gosh, they get on my nerves!!! It's my computer! buy your own!!!
we're going out for a friends' 50th birthday!!! old dude!!! hahaha. that's for you, Ron, as the rest of us are under 50 (if just barely)

Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09

06-16-2005, 04:49 PM
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
Join Date: Mar 2004
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I would like to get to the ADVENTURES OF THE TRIP TO TULSA.....
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09

06-16-2005, 04:53 PM
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Hey, I won't be 50 until 2018! Though if Steve is kicking me and we are eating goat burgers I may not live that long. Definately not if Ron puts us out to pasture to "retire"!
We just converted a drafting desk and designated an area of our office for my wife to do her scrapbooking. She really enjoys it and hated clearing the computer workstation or converting the kitchen table all the time.
Brent Dolphin
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