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  #3561 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 01:28 PM
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A 357 Magnum works well on those mosquitoes. And it will let your neighbors know that you are getting rid of them.

We don't need any more heat. Yesterday morning I got up and it was raining and cold enough that everyone had their heaters on. At 11 AM, it had quit raining, the sun was out, it was 80 degrees and humid as all get out. I just came in from looking at the 8" tall weeds in my yards and upper lot and it is to hot to mow today. Those gravel yards are looking more appealing all the time.

Talking of septic tank locations, I was talking to one of the old linemen from the telephone comepany and he was telling me stories of things he had seen and gotten into back when they used to actually install the phones. He said once he had to crawlundera house to run the lines, and he fell through the top of their septic tankas it waslocated under the house and covered by wood that had rotted. When he got out, they gave him the rest of the day off.

Ron 61
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  #3562 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 02:46 PM
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I hear Round-Up works well to keep your grass from growing. At least our septic system is a closed sysem. The leach field is under our driveway though so I am not sure if we could pave it. The driveway is not in it's original location.

We won't see temps as low as 80* in the daytime until September, but at least the humididty is only about 55%. This is a great time to visit home! (Wisconsin)
Brent Dolphin
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  #3563 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 02:51 PM
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Ok Brent,

What you have is the old style of septic system. Not saying bad style just the older version if you will. They work great and you should have no problem for many many years.

The amount of bleach you put in should not hurt a thing. Rid-X is indeed good stuff. We add some each month to our system. My septic guy says not needed, but we do it any way. When he does his quarterly inspections that are required by law and ordinance in Texas he always tells me we have the cleanest operating system. I credit the Rid-X for that.

You mentioned the bath tub in the secong bath. Now even though you may have the drain cap securely down you still will have access to the septic. The tub will have a drain in the bottom of the tub. Just above the drain going up the tub wall is a drain vent. If that drain runs dry the vent becomes your avenue for the mosquitoes to get in.

Also if the washer runs into the yard make ssure the area is not to saturated. You may need to wash a little each day instead of all laundry on Saturday, so to speak. At least until we find the nest. You will still want to check the washer drain and make sure there is water in it. If it gets dry, not being connected to the septic it will have a dirrect route to the great outdoors. This will let in mosquitoes and roaches.

Just a thought here. I am trying to think of all possible ways they could get in. Have you changed your a/c filter lately? If they are nesting in the old filter they could be recurculating themselves back into your home. I do realize they would need water, but if the coil is moist enough that could be your source.

I'll call my a/c guy and ask him. Although I would bet you the root problem is in the septic system.
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  #3564 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 02:53 PM
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Has anyone heard from earl lately?

When we left he was just recovering and I was wondering if he was OK.
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  #3565 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 02:58 PM
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Ok here is one everyone can look at and get mad.

How much did your real estate taxes go up this year?

Our rate stayed the same to honor a promise made by council members. Our values however went up 40%. Of corse we disputed the value. I told them they could just cut me a check and I would let them have it. We will see at the protest meeting.

They have the house valued at twice what it cost to build two years ago. The market here does not support that kind of value. The house across the street just sold for almost three hundred thousand less than they have ours valued at, and It is almost 1,000 sq ft larger.
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  #3566 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 03:10 PM
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We just had the A/C serviced a few months ago with new filters but I will double check them. I forgot about the overflow in the tub too.

The washer never saturates the yard with all the dry sandy soil we have. We could water the yard and do laundry and the soil would only be damp for maybe two days. It has taken a few years to get grass to even start filling in some places that were bare because you have to water sooo much.

Given how these houses were built, it's hard to say where some of this stuff goes. We do laundry every 2-3 days so I doubt the washer drain ever gets "dry" but I will check. They seem to come from the other end of the house where the second bathroom is though. I will make sure the second bath gets used more and see if they thin out. After the one night, we only find a couple in the house now and then but I would like to get rid of them entirely. Especially with a 3.5 year old. This is the only year it has happened, but is has been a really wet winter. Just found out the holding tank off the canal that distrubutes the water to all the houses on our line was plugged and not flowing. We probably washed a bunch of the little eggs and larvae into the septic system.
Brent Dolphin
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  #3567 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 03:16 PM
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sounds like you are on the right track.

If you wash that often the washer drain is fine, don't bother. It would be my guess they are coming from the tub vent. All you need to do is run water throught it every few days.
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  #3568 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 03:23 PM
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Mokey Hokey.
Brent Dolphin
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  #3569 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 04:58 PM
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Hey, anybody have any good cheese fondue recipies?
Brent Dolphin
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  #3570 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 08:03 PM
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Cheese and heat
Mike Z
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  #3571 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 09:12 PM
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Like blue cheese on the header pipes for a wedding present?
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  #3572 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2005, 11:37 PM
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A friend put a bunch of smelly cheeses on his friends light bulbs all over the house while she was away on vacation. By the time she realized what was going on it was too late, the whole house was smelling prett bad. Personally I like the cherry kool-aid in the shower head trick to pull on the members of the fairer sex.
Brent Dolphin
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  #3573 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2005, 06:09 AM
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I like the talking toillt paper roller that you can record short messages on. When anyone pulls paper off it will speak. Such as, are you really going to use me in that dirty location, please use both sides as we are trying to conserve paper and such. Great fun when they don't expect it.

Ron 61
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  #3574 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2005, 07:54 AM
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That was not what I ment when I said the system was closed. I ment that there is no real way for the Mesq. to get in the house from the septic system.

Yes, there are vents, but they are on top of the house and each drain is supposed to have a water trap that prevents septic gases from entering the house.

I see the topic of this topicless thread has made it around to cheese and rocks... again.
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  #3575 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2005, 08:06 AM
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I didn't read about no stinkin rocks. Did they have mosquitoes too?


That's right the system does have vents on the roof. BUT the tubs will not drain if the tub vent is not open, try it.

Have you even lifted a manhole cover as kid? It is full of mosquitoes and roaches. That is how they get from one house to the other. A properly cared for septic system is far better than the City sewer but ONLY if it is cared for as designed.

Mosquitoes can get into anything. They can not reproduce or live without water. That is why you see them around standing water. There are fog treatments for septic systems if you truely have an infestation. It is a bit harder to do if the lids are covered but the process is the same. If the lid was accessable one could do it themselves.

My guess is they are coming from the septic system. I have seen it too many times in the last twenty years of new home construction.
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  #3576 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2005, 08:10 AM
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I can remember for sure but isn't it "limburger" (sp) cheese that smells like $hit? Literally?

A freind of mine had someone else put some of that on the exhaust manifolds of his truck when we were kids. It almost made me throw up! Gooooood lord how do people eat that stuff.

Has anyone heard from Earl lately?
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  #3577 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2005, 08:44 AM
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I bet they don't fondue it!

Earl hasn't been around for a few days now - hope he's doing ok - maybe
trying to get his Cobra done?
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  #3578 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2005, 12:27 PM
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Get this thread off the mosquito topic. This is supposed to be a non topic thread.
I just finished 4 hours of mowing in the hot, humid, sun. The dust is starting to get bad too. I am not going to get the weed eater out today. Just to hot and humid and I ran out of gas and have to go fill the can up anyway.
I think Earl may be having some bad days and he also had some friends that were helpng him with his car. Once the car is going, he will start having better days I am sure.

Ron 61
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  #3579 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2005, 09:20 PM
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Hey Ron,

That gravel is looking better by the day huh.

Hey I thought it looked good out there. You can bet your bottom if I lived out there I would have a gravel yard!!!

I'd plant me some more trees though.

Hot and dry in Teaxs. Do we have anyone here that we should be worried about in Florida?
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  #3580 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2005, 01:24 AM
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Lucky I live Hawaii - it took me maybe 20 minutes to mow the lawn, and
another 20 to trim the hedge in the front yard. Guess our lots aren't so
big over here. Nice trade winds bring the cool ocean air across Kailua
to keep me from overheating, but then there was a nice gin & tonic to cool
things down as required. Another rough day here in paradise.
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