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04-26-2007, 02:43 PM
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When I became a lifetime member of the NRA it didn't stand for National Rifle association. There were no weapons then except rocks and sticks. At least we got you to thinking.

04-26-2007, 02:49 PM
6th Generation Texan
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I'm not sure that Josh will live as long as you.Nothing else has,has it?
Anyway,I bought him a NRA Life Membership yesterday.He is 16 so he ought to get his (my) monies worth out of it.

04-26-2007, 02:56 PM
Beam Me Up Scottie
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Originally Posted by Ron61
Ron - time to call up Keith Craft and maybe he can do a rebuild and get one good human out of the two of us!
Time to take another pain pill ... beam me up Scottie 
'Liberals are maggots upon the life of this planet and need to get off at the next rotation.' (Jamo 2008)

04-26-2007, 03:06 PM
Member of the north
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04-26-2007, 03:11 PM
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That is it. Tru figured out what is wrong. My race forgot to come pick me up after leaving me here to start this planet. Now if I could just remember where we put the device for me to contact them.

04-27-2007, 08:57 AM
Member of the north
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You get a record player and modify the insides to send a signal. Then you find a pine tree in the wind and connect a string to the trees so it pulles at the record player and...
Wait, that was for ET. Ron, did you just try the phone? Verizon says they are the best in the universe, try them.
Warren, we want you to recover. We believe you will learn from this experience. Never, Never do that again. What ever it was you did ( I had so many differnt lines I could have put here, but I fell out of my chair laughing and decided to be kind ), don't do it again.
Fred! Why don't you do the London thingy???

04-28-2007, 05:26 AM
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The pain has moved over into my right shoulder blade and it really is bad. I can hardly raise my right arm, so am doing as much as I can with my left hand. Today I feel I am going to be doing very little. It is hot here and I don't want to get out in that heat and humidity any more than I have to. Never got below 66 last night.

04-28-2007, 05:44 AM
6th Generation Texan
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You have to hurry up and heal !!!
Aren't you due to get the Coupe in about a week ?
Over my VERY YOUNG 58 years,I have had right at a dozen broken ribs,sometimes 2-3 at a time.Plus all kinds of other broken bones.I've been pretty rough on myself.
It has happened so often,part of my standard supplies for my medical first aid kit is 2 different elastic rib wraps.
I would rather have a broken arm than broken ribs,No kidding.

04-28-2007, 06:01 AM
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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hi. National Scrapbook Day.
i have 10 ladies coming over here in about an hour- to crop all day!
9-9. lunch... dinner.... all day.
i have to cart kids a couple of times, but not too bad.
put the pics from the cruise last sunday in my book last night. we did have a great time, and i put a bunch of miles on the car. well worth it, and pepe did great! hopefully can make the next one, next sunday. not sure, tho'.
our monthly meet is Saturday, too. big cobra weekend! David has a 'campout' with #4, so i'm having to juggle the other three to make it work.
did you see the lovely tribute thread Jamo did for Dick?
i'm gonna print different people's pics, and put them in my book. a 'tribute page'. the book Dick signed last June in Tulsa is full, so gonna have to figure that one out. guess it'll go in the new book i started a couple of weeks ago.
i'm sorry everybody is feeling so poorly. well not tru and fred. i guess ron and warren.
i'm feeling ok, so guess the bad stuff doesn't hit til you're over 60???  or is that 50???? 
little young thing here.
have a lovely saturday! have fun! sometime today, do something fun, smile, and think of me!!! 
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
LCS: 05, Run 'n Gun: 06
San Marcos: 09

04-28-2007, 06:26 AM
Member of the north
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My wife got her first "scrapbook" stuff last night.
There's so real money to be made providing bits of memories for people to "scrapbook".
Rainy and chilly today. Looks like tune up two vehicles and a bit of construction.
Young thing? Kristen has a new name!!!!! Young thing! Yes, that fits. 

04-28-2007, 06:53 AM
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Now what has happened. I received no e-mail notifications at all that anyone had posted to this or any other thread I am in. They were working ok yesterday and all I did was turn the computer on this morning.
Oh well, everyone have a great day. I am going to take it easy and try to move my right arm as little as possible.

04-28-2007, 06:59 AM
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I don't know when I will get the Coupe. They are having a lot of trouble with the Tec3 computer as the factory upgraded it and now it won't load or map anything. And believe it or not, after losing my dogs, I really am in no hurry about a car. Just don't seem to matter much any more. Of course they can't work on it this weekend as the Tech3 company is closed over the weekends and they have to get one of their Super Techs on the phone with them and both set up the lap tops so the tech there can tell them just what is going on. I looked at it for about 5 minutes yesterday and was not to impressed with the so called computer tech he has hired here in Redding. After 20 minutes of No Connection he finally said, Well I think that means the computer and the lap top are not communicating.

04-28-2007, 08:14 AM
Beam Me Up Scottie
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Ron - stiff upper lip, mate! Turtle sends his best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Fred - I second your comment about a broken arm vs a broken rib. But my pulled muscle is quite a distance behind either, especially having some muscle relaxant pills.  We must be getting old if most of our conversations are about our bodies breaking down. I'm still relatively young at heart, but my body is only 3 months from being a popular speed limit  (60)  I have trouble thinking of your dozen broken ribs. Do you sometimes go to the school field and play "tackling dummy"?
Tru - if your wife has just started scrap booking, may I suggest a second job? My oldest sister is really into scrap booking, and she has one room (12' x 15') dedicated to scrap booking. Without a doubt, she has $20K worth of stuff in that room.
'Liberals are maggots upon the life of this planet and need to get off at the next rotation.' (Jamo 2008)

04-28-2007, 08:53 AM
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The way this darn shoulder is hurting this morning I don't think I am even going to try to drive to the post office. At my age I have to be on at least my 100th set of muscles.
It is supposed to be in the upper 80s again today and I should mow but no way can I pull that cord to start the mower. They are having NASCAR qualifying on TV right now but I could care less as it has lost all interest for me the past few years with their continual crap.

04-28-2007, 07:13 PM
Member of the north
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20k, holy Toledo.
I am happy to say the Tahoe has new plugs and oil. The Jeep has new oil and wil get plugs tomorrow.
Any one see the movie, "The Good Sheperd"? What did you think?

04-28-2007, 07:16 PM
Member of the north
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Ron, You really need to relax.
Take a deep breath... Woo, wait a sec. leave California, then take a deep breath.
So, not that you are relaxed, when are you getting the coupe???

04-29-2007, 06:04 AM
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I have paid for the coupe but the tec3 computer is messed up and they don't seem to know what they did, so it may never run. It is down at Bill's garage and can stay there as I just have no interest in cars any more. I do believe that right now I am at the lowest point of my life and nothing I do seems to help. I will go to the DMV tomorrow and finish having the title transferred to my name and then I will start to think about other things that are important to me. If they ever get it running and the other things fixed good, if not it is just wasted money and I really don't have any feeling one way or the other about it. If they can get some computer tech from back there on the line with them that knows what they did wrong, they could have it running by next Christmas, and then it should only take a few days to finish the other three or four minor things. Right now my goal is to make it through tomorrow and get the title transferred so I can forget about it.

04-29-2007, 07:16 AM
Miss Texas Cobra Club-08
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Ron. if the car isn't 'running' because of a computer glitch, and it doesn't seem fixable, then i surely think the car is a no sale, and get your money back. sounds sour!
just try to relax today, don't forget your nerve medicine, and clear your mind.
you have a lot on your mind, and you need to stop thinking about things for a little while. regroup, then tackle it tomorrow.
your back/muscle pain is probably affecting your thinking, your mindset.
get to a more relaxed state.
you are letting things overwhelm you, and then it causes anxiety and everything becomes monumental.
take a step or two or three back, and rethink some issues.
put in a movie you really really like, do something different; change your routine, just for today.
you need to decompress a bit.
please take your medicine, and take a nap, then watch a movie. regroup!
you'll be ok.
don't dwell on the negative, think of a couple of good things. '
i'm not kidding!
Austin & Tulsa: 04,05,06,07,08
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04-29-2007, 08:24 AM
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I am trying to relax, but at this time it is about impossible. As for the sale I made the deal several months ago before everything went bad and the car was running until Bill pulled the motor and tranny to fix a leak. I have a feeling they never disconnected the power and blew something in the computer. Then he sent it in to the factory and they did a new upgrade and supposedly have everything fixed and sent him the new mapping software, but they can't even get a connection between the lap top and the cars computer. Since I had already told Tony I would take it, I don't feel right trying to get the money back as it isn't his fault and I can just write it off as money lost. I have enough left to pay my doctors bills next month and then I will see what happens. I am going to try to find another black, female pom puppy that is AKC and just forget the car. I have taken the nerve medicine but so far nothing has eased the pain in my shoulder and that is just going to take time. And I am really not sour or anything. I just don't care about the car any more. If they ever get it fixed great, if not then I am not going to worry about it. Thanks for your concern.

04-29-2007, 02:15 PM
Member of the north
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Ron o'l buddy, I ache in about twenty spots all over my body. I can relate to "it hurts and it isn't going away". But heck, Sooner or later it's got to feel better and then you're gonna have to be back on line with the rest of us screwballs.
Whatever happens, just remember, never...never ever, kiss a turtle. Frogs I understand may grant you a wish or two and there seems to be a variety of women kissing frogs these days. I think that is why Fred is holding on the Frenchy. But whatever anyone tells you, kissing a turtle is deadly.
Just my opinion!

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