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09-30-2014 03:03 AM
Joe & Fred,
Found just the car for the two of you. Since they only made 4 of them you had better grab one quickly.
Ron :)
Joe Wicked
09-30-2014 03:47 AM
You know with the Ford GT program from 2006 they also built a handful of roadsters as well.
09-30-2014 04:05 AM
I know as I saw one of them but they aren't worth nearly what one of these 4 would be. And I am sure that you and Fred would only want the rarest ones.
Ron :LOL:
Joe Wicked
09-30-2014 06:10 AM
I am a whore when it comes to cars like this. I will happily drive a replica or reproduction.
09-30-2014 07:26 AM
That makes two of us then. I would really like to have a replica of that car.
10-01-2014 02:33 AM
Well I see that Texas has the first confirmed Ebola case in the U.S. I hope they can trace the people he came into contact with and stop it before it spreads. And of course there is always the fact that you can't believe a lot of what the news reports any more.
The worst part is that he was sick for 2 days before going to the doctor and then 2 days later he was admitted to the hospital when an ambulance brought him in. He was sick and potentially spreading the disease for 4 days.
10-01-2014 03:24 AM
I hope that he never came into contact with to many people and especially ones that have left for other states and places. I really feel that we have more to fear from this type of thing than from nuclear war. And the viruses just keep mutating, not to mention the chemicals that most nations are expermenting with in their weapons labs.
Ropn :(
Joe Wicked
10-01-2014 04:16 AM
Same fear that I have. They are letting the paramedics who treated and transported him self quarantine in their own homes. Same with the doctors and nurses. This has the potential to spread at least locally. Dallas emergency management has activated stage 2 readiness which includes preparing the equipment for quarantine zones.
10-01-2014 04:22 AM
They said they had quarantined the ambulance that hauled him to the hospital, but I wonder if it hauled any others before they did that. I really don't like the self quarantine. I think they should all be put in the same area until they know if any of them have it.
Joe Wicked
10-01-2014 05:52 AM
I am sure that it did. Also said this morning that he is isolated and the doctors are wearing protective gear but the hospital is under normal operating procedures and not under quarantine. On top of that a relative of his is now sick with the same symptoms
10-02-2014 02:04 AM
Now that doesn't sound good at all. Wonder how many people the relative may have passed it to if they have it. How about posting this in the thread over on our site so the people can hear it from another person close to where it is?
Joe Wicked
10-02-2014 03:59 AM
They are saying as many as 18 people were in contact with him while he was infectious.
10-02-2014 04:23 AM
Dang, that could turn out to be bad if any of them were infected. What was that Fred said about putting a fence around Texas and not allowing anyone to come in. Maybe they should also not anyone to leave for a while. ;)
Joe Wicked
10-02-2014 04:42 AM
5 of them are elementary school kids at 4 different schools. They ate being kept out of school but think how much bodily fluid kids exchange everyday. A 2nd man is also isolated pending test results. A relative of the 1st case. It also appears as if the 1st guy knew he was infected and came to the US specifically for treatment here. So glad that we stopped all flights coming in that originated from those countries, oh wait...
10-02-2014 04:51 AM
I hope they get it under control and contained before it starts to spread to other places. If any of the kids has it, they could spread it mvery quickly the way they run around and mingle.
Joe Wicked
10-02-2014 07:39 AM
Now the radio is saying that the contact number of people is at least 80. The apt complex is under a soft quarantine. 4 members of his family are not allowed to leave or have guests. Sherrifs department is guarding. If they violate it, then more restrictive measures will be taken.
10-03-2014 02:00 AM
Brian just posted over on our site that they may have a case of it in Canada. They are waiting to find out for sure. Darn, I hope that doesn't start spreading all through North America.
Ron :(
Joe Wicked
10-03-2014 02:45 PM
US has a couple more possible cases. Seems as if it is a new trend, try to get to America/Canada for healthcare before you show symptoms. One arrested last night in Georgia for DUI. Woke up this morning in jail with a high fever and other symptoms. Called a DR. in and he told the DR that he just got here from West Africa. Whole jail and staff is now on lock down for monitoring now.
10-04-2014 01:46 AM
Well this isn't looking good and it would seem to me these idiots would go in and report that they may have been exposed to it. If I had just gotten back from over there where they have it I would head for a doctor right away as I would want to know if I had it. Wonder how many this fool came into contact with before they caught him.