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  #921 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 09:11 AM
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How do you keep a blonde at home?

Build a circular driveway.

Q: What should never be eaten after it is served?

A: A tennis ball!

An arbitrator is someone who quits Arby's to work at Wendy's!

During a visit to a mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what was the criterion that defined whether or not a patient should be institutionalized.

"Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub; then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub."

"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup.

"No," said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed by the wall or near the window?"
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  #922 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 09:13 AM
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I will seek and find you . . .

I shall take you to bed and have my way with you .

I will make you ache, shake & sweat until you moan & groan.

I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop.

I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you.

And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days.

All my love,

The Flu

Now, get your mind out of the gutter and go get your flu shot
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  #923 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 09:33 AM
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New drugs for women:

Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to h*ll for up to 8 full hours.

Plant extract that treats mom's depression by rendering preschoolers unconscious for up to two days.

Suppository that eliminates melancholy and loneliness by reminding you of how awful they were as teenagers and how you couldn't wait till they moved out .

Liquid silicone drink for single women. Two full cups swallowed before an evening out increases breast size, decreases intelligence, and prevents conception.

When taken with Peptobimbo, can cause dangerously low IQ, resulting in enjoyment of country music and pickup trucks.

Increases life expectancy of commuters by controlling road rage and the urge to flip off other drivers.

Potent anti-boy-otic for older women Increases resistance to such lethal lines as, "You make me want to be a better person . Can we get naked now?

Injectable stimulant taken prior to shopping Increases potency, duration, and credit limit of spending spree.

Relieves headache caused by a man who cannot remember your birthday, anniversary, phone number, or to lift the commode seat.

A spray carried in a purse or wallet to be used on anyone too eager to share their life stories with total strangers in elevators.

When administered to a boyfriend or husband, provides the same irritation level as nagging him.
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  #924 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 01:09 PM
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A man takes the day off work and decides to go out golfing. He is on the second hole when he notices a frog sitting next to the green.

He thinks nothing of it and is about to shoot when he hears, “Ribbit 9 Iron." The man looks around and doesn't see anyone. Again, he hears, "Ribbit 9 Iron" He looks at the frog and decides to prove the frog wrong, puts the club away, and grabs a 9 iron.

Boom! He hits it 10 inches from the cup. He is shocked. He says to the frog, "Wow that's amazing. You must be a lucky frog, eh? The frog replies, "Ribbit Lucky frog."

The man decides to take the frog with him to the next hole. "What do you think frog?" the man asks. "Ribbit 3wood."

The guy takes out a 3 wood and, Boom! Hole in one. The man is befuddled and doesn't know what to say. By the end of the day, the man golfed the best game of golf in his life and asks the frog, "OK where to next?" The frog replies, "Ribbit Las Vegas."

They go to Las Vegas and the guy says, "OK frog, now what?" The frog says, "Ribbit Roulette." Upon approaching the roulette table, The man asks, "What do you think I should bet?" The frog replies, "Ribbit $3000, black 6.."

Now, this is a million-to-one shot to win, but after the golf game the man figures what the heck. Boom! Tons of cash comes sliding back across the table.

The man takes his winnings and buys the best room in the hotel. He sits the frog down and says, "Frog, I don't know how to repay you. You've won me all this money and I am forever grateful."

The frog replies, "Ribbit Kiss Me." He figures why not, since after all the frog did for him, he deserves it. With a kiss, the frog turns into a gorgeous 15-year-old girl.

"And that, your honor, is how the girl ended up in my room. So help me God…!!!
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  #925 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 04:38 PM
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Christmas Time in Washington
The Supreme Court ruled there cannot be a Nativity scene in Washington, D.C. this Christmas. This isn't for any religious or constitutional reason, they simply have not been able to find three wise men and a virgin in the nation's capitol. There was no problem however finding enough asses to fill the stable.
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  #926 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2007, 04:52 PM
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Old people have problems that you haven’t even considered yet!

An 85-year-old man was requested by his doctor for a sperm count as part of his physical exam. The doctor gave the man a jar and said, ‘Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow.’

The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor’s office and gave him the jar, which was as clean and empty as it was on the previous day.

The doctor asked what happened and the man explained, ‘Well, doc, it’s like this - first I tried with my right hand, but nothing. Then I tried with my left hand, but still nothing. Then I asked my wife for help. She tried with her right hand, then with her left, still nothing.
She tried with her mouth, first with the teeth in, then with her teeth out, still nothing. We even called up Arlene, the lady next door, and she tried too, first with both hands, then an armpit, and she even tried squeezing it between her knees, but still nothing.

The doctor was shocked! ‘You asked your neighbor?’ The old man replied, ‘Yep, none of us could get the jar open.
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  #927 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2007, 11:45 AM
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6 reasons not to mess with children.

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales.

The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small.

The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.

The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah".

The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"

The little girl replied, "Then you ask him ".!

A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work.

As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.

The girl replied, "I'm drawing God."

The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like."

Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."

A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six year olds.

After explaining the commandment to "honor" thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, "Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?"

Without missing a beat one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, "Thou shall not kill."

The children had all been photographed, and ! the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.

"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer, she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, He's a doctor.'

A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher, she's dead."

A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face."

"Yes," the class said.

"Then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"

A little fellow shouted,
"Cause your feet ain't empty."

The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note, and posted on the apple tray:

"Take only ONE. God is watching."

Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.

A child had written a note, "Take all you want. God is watching the apples.
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  #928 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2007, 12:18 PM
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I ran into something about bomelia's avatar that I thought all would enjoy:

As I walked down the busy sidewalk, knowing I was late for an important interview, my eye fell upon one of those unfortunate, homeless vagabonds that are found in every city these days. Wearing what can only be describes as rags, carrying every worldly possession in two plastic bags, my heart was touched by this person?s condition. Some people turned to stare. Others quickly looked away, as if the sight would somehow contaminate them. Recalling some long ago Sunday School admonition to "care for the sick, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked", I was moved by some powerful inner urge to reach out to this unfortunate person. Yes, where some people saw only rags, I saw a hidden beauty. A small voice inside my head called out, "Reach out, reach out!" So, I did..........

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  #929 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2007, 12:33 PM
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A man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation to Jerusalem.

While they were there, the wife passed away. The undertaker told the husband, "You can have her shipped home for $5,000, or you can bury her here, in the Holy Land, for $150."

The man thought about it and told him he would just have her shipped home.

The undertaker asked, "Why would you spend $5,000 to ship your wife home, when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $150?"

The man replied, "Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the dead. I just can't take that chance."
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  #930 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2007, 03:32 PM
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Amish farmer

An Amish farmer walking through his field, notices a man drinking from
his pond, with his hand.

The Amish man shouts: "Trink das wasser nicht. Diekuhen haben dahin

Which means: "Don't drink the water, the cows have pooped in it."

The man shouts back: "I'm a Muslim, I don't understand your gibberish.
Speak English, infidel!"

The Amish man says: "Use two hands,.You'll get more."
dave from mesa

Vietnam Vets may be eligible for medical care and disability compensation. Contact the VA if you have prostate cancer or type 2 diabetes. Finally got around to going to the VA.
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  #931 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2007, 08:47 AM
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Well,'s something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel edified. Isn't history more fun when you know something about it?

Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluck yew"). Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew! Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodentals fricative F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute!

It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as "giving the bird." IT IS STILL AN APPROPRIATE SALUTE TO THE FRENCH TODAY!

And yew thought yew knew every plucking thing!
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  #932 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2007, 09:03 AM
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Latest polling shows:

43 percent of all Americans say that illegal immigration is a serious problem.

The other 57 percent said, "No hablo inglés"
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  #933 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2007, 03:23 PM
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Some people in Tennessee have trouble with all those "shalls" and "shall nots" in the Ten commandments. Folks just aren't used to talking in those terms. So, some folks in middle Tennessee got together and translated the "King James" into " Jackson County" language,.... no joke, read on...
The Hillbilly's Ten Commandments (posted on the wall at Cross Trails Church in Gainesboro , TN. )

(1) Just one God.
(2) Honor yer Ma & Pa.
(3) No tellin' tales or gossipin'.
(4) Git yourself to Sunday meetin'
(5) Put nothin' before God.
(6) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal.
(7) No killin.'
(8) Watch yer mouth.
(9) Don't take what ain't yers.
(10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff.
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  #934 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2007, 03:28 PM
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A football coach walked into the locker room before a big game, looked over to his star player and said, "I'm not supposed to let you play since you failed math, but we really need you in there. So, what I have to do is ask you a math question, and if you get it right, you can play."

The player agreed, so the coach looked into his eyes intently and asked, - "Okay, now concentrate hard and tell me the answer to this: What is two plus two?"

The player thought for a moment and then answered, "4?"
"Did you say 4?" the coach exclaimed, excited that he had given the right answer.

Suddenly, all the other players on the team began screaming, "Come on coach, give him another chance!" ...


1. Everyone around you has an attitude problem.
2. You're adding chocolate chips to your cheese omelet.
3 The dryer has shrunk every last pair of your jeans
4. Your husband is suddenly agreeing to everything you say.
5. You're using your cellular phone to dial up every bumper sticker that says: "How's my driving-call 1- 800-".
6. Everyone's head looks like an invitation to batting practice.
7. Everyone seems to have just landed here from "outer space".
8. You're not as nice as you used to be and you used to be a real witch
9. You're sure that everyone is scheming to drive you crazy.
10. The ibuprofen bottle is empty and you bought it yesterday.
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  #935 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2007, 11:18 AM
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One of my all time favorites. This was originally posted on one of my Mustang boards but I think all who work on cars can relate.

15 things I have learned about working on cars at night...

I had to get back under the car tonight at 11:45, right after I got the engine put back in. somehow in the haste of zipping the pan back on before dinner, I let the left side of the gasket fall into the pan, so 4 bolts went from pan to block. i had a cherry picker from work, which HAS TO BE BACK tomorrow. I didn’t feel like pulling the motor again, so I opted to do the "drop the starter and the pan and reinstall it" method. Well, here's what I learned:

1. you WILL end up under the car, on your back, just getting positioned when you realize you grabbed the wrong extension. the other is about 5 feet from you. After you shimmy out and back in, you realize you need a deep socket and not the shallow one on the end of the correct extension... because you pulled the right socket off of the right extension.

2. When you are on your back under a greasy SVO, you WILL be covered with the nastiest smelling, most vile crap you can imagine. Every fluid they have leaks when the pan comes off for some reason.

3. You will find yourself needing the 13mm deep socket that you conveniently placed on your right side, while your right arm is holding the pan and a starter.

4. When you THINK you got a pan bolt started, it WILL fall out and bean you directly between the eyes.

5. Don’t turn your head: there is a puddle conveniently placed wherever you decide to. There’s 120 square feet of space under an SVO, and that 4" by 4" puddle is DIRECTLY where you need your head to be.

6. If you drop a bolt, it will end up directly in the center of the car, almost like God is throwing darts at a bulls-eye.

7. You will find new meanings to the word pain: a 20 pound starter falling from its perch and landing on your forearm is a good starting point.

8. The neighbor's dogs will bark every goddamned time they hear your cordless impact.

9. You will zip the pan down to find out the VERY LAST bolt fell out and now the hole isn't lined up. Drop the pan again and start over.

10. The pan gasket will not stay on the back of the crank. Drop it AGAIN.

11. Remember where that last bolt you dropped went? Good, because I don’t. Spend 5 minutes hunting for it to find it in the cuff of your pants.

12. No matter how you turn your head (and into the puddle, attempting to avoid blindness), the droplight will find a way to shine DIRECTLY into your eyes. PS - it never hangs up where you want, only where you DONT want it to.

13. you will open, shut, and lock the door to your truck FOUR times, because every time you walk back to the SVO you find ONE MORE motherf***ing tool.

14. The box you use to carry your droplights and work lights will break in half as soon as you get into the house. your brand new halogen lights will hit the floor and one will explode. Spend 15 minutes cleaning up glass.

15. in the shower, the entire f**king shower rack will FALL OFF the wall and land squarely on your already f**ked up foot. Spend 5 minutes cleaning the bathroom after throwing a 95 MPH fastball. errr... fastshampoobottle into the tile floor.

Realizing you should have just pulled the ****er out again? PRICELESS.

Its 2:25 am, i should have been in bed hours ago.
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  #936 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2007, 11:34 AM
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The manager of a large office noticed a new man one day and told him to come into his office. "What is your name?" was the first thing the manager asked the new guy.

"John," the new guy replied.

The manager scowled, "Look, I don't know what kind of a namby-pamby place you worked at before, but I don't call anyone by his first name. It breeds familiarity and that leads to a breakdown in authority. I refer to my employees by their last name only - Smith, Jones, Baker - that's all. I am to be referred to only as Mr. Robertson. Now that we got that straight, what is your last name?"

The new guy sighed and said, "Darling. My name is John Darling."

"Okay, John, the next thing I want to tell you is..."..

Q: What do you call an intelligent, attractive, sensitive man?

A: A rumor


If you want someone who will bring you the paper without first tearing it apart to remove the sports section, buy a dog.

If you want someone willing to make a fool of himself simply over the joy of seeing you, buy a dog.

If you want someone who will eat whatever you put in front of him and never says it's not quite as good as his mother made it, buy a dog.

If you want someone always willing to go out, at any hour, for as long and wherever you want, buy a dog.

If you want someone to scare away burglars, without a lethal weapon which terrifies you and endangers the lives of your family and all the neighbors, buy a dog.

If you want someone who will never touch the remote, doesn't give a damn about football and can sit next to you as you watch romantic movies, buy a dog.

If you want someone who is content to get up on your bed just to warm your feet and whom you can push off if he snores, buy a dog.

If you want someone who never criticizes what you do, doesn't care if you are pretty or ugly, fat or thin, young or old, big breasts or small, who acts as if every word you say is especially worthy of listening to and loves you unconditionally and perpetually, buy a dog.

But on the other hand, if you want someone who will never come when you call, ignores you totally when you come home, leaves hair all over the place, walks all over you, runs around at night, only comes home to eat and sleep and acts as if your entire existence is solely to ensure his happiness... then, my friend... buy a cat. Any resemblance to a man is purely coincidental.
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  #937 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2007, 04:29 PM
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A man and his girlfriend were out to dinner one night. The waiter tells them the night's special is chicken almondine and fresh fish.

"The chicken sounds good; I'll have that," the woman says.
The waiter nods. "And the vegetable?" he asks.

"Oh, he'll have the fish," she replies.
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  #938 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2007, 04:35 PM
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Actual letter of resignation from an employee at Zantex Computers, USA , to her boss, who apparently resigned very soon afterwards!

Dear Mr. Baker,

As a graduate of an institution of higher education, I have a few very basic expectations. Chief among these is that my direct superiors have an intellect that ranges above the common ground squirrel.

After your consistent and annoying harassment of my coworkers and me during the commission of our duties, I can only surmise that you are one of the few true genetic wastes of our time. Asking me, a network administrator, to explain every little nuance of everything I do each time you happen to stroll into my office is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of precious oxygen.

I was hired because I know how to network computer systems, and you were apparently hired to provide amusement to myself and other employees, who watch you vainly attempt to understand the concept of "cut and paste" for the hundredth time. You will never understand computers. Something as incredibly simple as binary still gives you too many options.

You will also never understand why people hate you, but I am going to try and explain it to you, even though I am sure this will be just as effective as telling you what an IP is. Your shiny new iMac has more personality than you ever will. You walk around the building all day, shiftlessly looking for fault in others.

You have a sharp dressed useless look about you that may have worked for your interview, but now that you actually have responsibility, you pawn it off on overworked staff, hoping their talent will cover for your glaring ineptitude.

In a world of managerial evolution, you are the blue-green algae that everyone else eats and laughs at. Managers like you are a sad proof of the Dilbert principle. Since this situation is unlikely to change without you getting a full frontal lobotomy reversal, I am forced to tender my resignation, however I have a few parting thoughts.

1. When someone calls you in reference to employment, it is illegal for you to give me a bad recommendation. The most you can say to hurt me is "I prefer not to comment." I will have friends randomly call you over the next couple of years to keep you honest, because I know you would be unable to do it on your own.

2. I have all the passwords to every account on the system, and I know every password you have used for the last five years. If you decide to get cute, I am going to publish your "favorites list", which I conveniently saved when you made me "back up" your useless files. I do believe that terms like "Lolita" are not usually viewed favorably by the administration.

3. When you borrowed the digital camera to "take pictures of your Mother's birthday," you neglected to mention that you were going to take pictures of yourself in the mirror nude. Then you forgot to erase them like the techno-moron you really are. Suffice it to say I have never seen such odd acts with a sauce bottle, but I assure you that those have been copied and kept in safe places pending the authoring of a glowing letter of recommendation. (Try to use a spell check please; I hate having to correct your mistakes.)

Thank you for your time, and I expect the letter of recommendation on my desk by 8:00 am tomorrow. One word of this to anybody, and all of your little twisted repugnant obsessions will be open to the public. Never mess with your systems administrator. Why? Because they know what you do with all that free time!

Wishing you a grand and glorious day, Cecelia
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  #939 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2007, 04:54 PM
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Carefully, now! They are so blatant you will be kicking yourself if you miss the clue!!!

Question 1
A man was found murdered on Sunday morning.

His wife immediately called the police. The police questioned the wife and staff and got these alibis:

The Wife said she was sleeping.
The cook was fixing breakfast.
The Gardener was picking vegetables.
The Maid was getting the mail.
The Butler was cleaning the closet.

The police instantly arrested the murderer.
Who did it and how did the police know?

Question 2
A man walks into his bathroom and shoots himself right between the eyes using a real gun with real bullets. He walks out alive, with no blood anywhere. And no, he didn't miss and he wasn't Superman or any other caped crusader.

How did he do this?

Question 3
Old Mr. Tidy was found dead in his study by Mr. Fiend.

Mr. Fiend recounted his dismal discovery to the police. "I was walking by Mr. Tidy's house when I thought I would just pop in for a visit. I noticed his study light was on and I decided to peek in from the outside to see if he was in there. There was frost on the window, so I
had to wipe it away to see inside. That is when I saw his body. So I kicked in the front door to confirm my suspicions of foul play. I called the police immediately afterward."
The officer immediately arrested Mr. Fiend for the murder of Mr. Tidy.

How did he know Mr. Fiend was lying?

Question 4
If you touch me, you will die; but you can only live without me. I am a big part of your life, and will eventually be the only thing left. You will learn to embrace me finally and rest.
Who or what am I?
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  #940 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2007, 11:25 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Middle Of Nowhere, USA
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA 428 FE 4-speed CR "TL" heavy spline
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Micro was a real time user and a dedicated multi-user. His
broad-band protocol made it easy for him to interface with
numerous input/output devices, even if it meant time sharing.

One evening Micro arrived home just as the sun was crashing.
He had parked his Motorola 68000 in the main drive. He had
missed the 5100 bus that morning, when he noticed an elegant
piece of liveware inspecting the daisy wheels in his garden.
"She looks user-friendly," he thought. "I'll see if she'd
like an update tonight."

Mini was her name and she was delightfully engineered with
eyes like cobol and a prime mainframe architecture that set
Micro's peripherals networking all over the place.

He shifted over to her casually, admiring the power of her
twin 32-bit floating point processors, and inquired, "How
are you, Honeywell?"

"Yes, I am well," she responded, batting her optic fibers
engagingly and smoothing her console over her curvilinear

Micro thought about a recursive approach but settled for a
straight line approximation. "I'm stand-alone tonight," he
said. "How about computing a vector to my base address? I'll
output a byte to eat and maybe we could get offset later on."

Mini ran a priority process for 2.6 milliseconds then dumped
the results. "I've been put on a queue myself recently and a
rendezvous is just what I need to activate my tasks. I'll
park my machine cycle and meet you inside." She walked off,
leaving Micro admiring the way her dynamic resources were
allocated and thinking, "Wow, what a cache! I wonder if she's
available for prime time maintenance."

They sat down at the process table to a platter of fiche and
chips and a basket of baudot. Mini was in conversational mode
and expanded on ambiguous arguments while Micro gave continuous
acknowledgments, although, in background, he was analyzing the
shortest and least critical path to her entry point. He finally
decided on the old 'Would you like to see some of my benchmark
programs', but Mini anticipated his flow.

Without a prompt, she was up and stripping off her parity bits
to reveal the full functionality of her operating system

"Let's get BASIC, you RAM," she commanded. Micro was executing
firmware by this stage, but his hardware policing module had
an accelerated processor and was in danger of overflowing its
output buffer - a bug that Micro had been consulting his analyst
about. "Core dump!" he complained.

Micro auto-recovered, however, when Mini went down on DEC and
opened her divide files to reveal her data set ready. He
accessed his fully packed root device and was just about to
enter her kernal when she attempted an escape sequence.

"Abort!" she cried. "You're not shielded."

"Reset, baby," he said. "I've been debugged."

"But I haven't got my current loop disabled and I can't support
child processes," she protested.

"Don't run away," he begged. "I'll generate an interrupt."

"No, that's too error prone - and I can't abort because of my
design philosophy."

Micro was in phase locked oscillations by this stage and
could not be terminated. But Mini soon stopped his thrashing
by inducing a voltage spike in his main supply, whereupon he
fell over with a head crash and went to sleep.

"Computers!" she thought as she compiled herself. "All they
ever think about is hex!"
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