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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 04:58 PM
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Default Here it is,folks

The goverment & the enviro-nazis gonna tell you what you can drive.And the peoples republik of Kalifornia and Massatwo$hits figure prominently-go figure
The rest of the world can have their opinion about the United States just as soon as WE give it to them.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2007, 10:04 PM
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Dear god, uninformed politicians !!!!!

a) Global warming is an undeniable fact!
b) We have had little REAL effect on it, and can do little to REALLY slow it down.
c) Global warming is a nit on a flea on an elephant's a$$ wrt the future of western civilization compared to the Hubbert Peak for oil which is HURTLING towards us. The most optimistic predictions say that it is 15 years away, which gives us 15 years to somehow convert Western Civilization from an oil based economy to something as yet undefined!!!!

Hydrogen fueled cars? - GREAT fuel, perfect, BUT you get it by passing electricity through sea water, and you get electricity by burning oil or coal in power stations. (we are close to the Hubbert Peak for uranium, so Nuclear power won't work long term either)
Bio fuels? - Most biofuels are net negative fuels...cost more energy to make than you get when you burn them.
Wind power? - sure, but folks in California and Massachusetts don't like "all those ugly windmills blocking the view from Malibu or Martha's Vineyard"
Hydroelectricity? - we've dammed everything we can, and we are either running out of water or silting up the reservoirs!
Solar power? - sure, we've got 15 years though, remember how far we've come wrt solar power in the last 15 years???????
Geothermal - hmmmm...possibility, but we are not even close to THAT technology, and we've only got 15 years remember, to develop, perfect and SPREAD THE TECHNOLOGY around the world.

The direst predictions say that by the end of the century, 80% of the world's population will be dead and the Earth will be back to a COMPLETELY UNRECOVERABLE 19th Century agrarian economy!!!

Ladies and gentlemen...enjoy it, depressing though it might be, we are living at the PEAK of human civilization. Buy your hybrid cars, put solar panels on your roof, use cloth diapers...but ONLY if they make you feel good for now, because they are making not one iota of difference to the Hubbert Peak's headlong rush!!!

personally, I was considering a bigger engine in the Cobra...

Cave magister imperitus - Beware the inexperienced teacher

"No, I DON'T have an accent, this is how English sounds when it is pronounced correctly!"
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-16-2007, 02:40 AM
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Why not just make any type of vehicle illegal to own or drive. And they would include everything but the military and the politicians would not be allowed to use their stuff to travel. After a few years and the saw just how little that changed things, maybe one or two of the ones with a brain would figure out that just vehicle emissions are not the major contributing cause to the mostly media hyped panic. But the longer they can keep this going the more money they can rake in and we could also eliminate all the groups making money of this with their phony studies. Just think of the savings. And how hard it would be for Ted Kennedy to ride a bicycle, but at least he would have a hard time drowning his girl friends.

Ron 61
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