Is anyone talking about Andy Pettitte?
While Roger insists on dragging his reputation and his family through the proverbial mud over the issue, I keep there anyone out there that studies public relations?
From Bill Clinton, to Martha Lil' Kim, to Barry Bonds.....does anyone really pay attention to what happens to people who are guilty but refuse to admit so?
Then there's the other group, Senators, Congressmen (and Congresswomen) athletes, actors/actresses, who rather than deny everything, they just come out and admit it.....
And you know what happens....the band stops playing, all the reporters shut up with a dumb look on their faces and they turn around and walk if to say "move along here folks, no story here."
There's no sensationalism or story in someone who admits that they screwed up.
I think if Bill Clinton had just said..."yep, I did it." MOST people would have said "can you blame the guy....look who he's married to...." Instead, he makes a huge production out of everything and virtually pisses on everyone's back and tells us publicly that it's raining.
Barry Bonds....another brainiac. Now he's probably going to face some sort of Jury decision (jail time possible) at some point and there's not a single person out there going..."You know, I bet he really didn't know it wasn't flaxseed
oil....that poor guy was duped by his doctor."
Martha Stewart....Lil' Kim, both equally dumb. All Martha had to do was say..."I did it...I was dumb and stupid and I just didn't know any better." The prosecuting agent would have said...okay....give us a $50k charitable contribution and do 5 months probation and 100 hours community service and we'll call it a deal. Instead...she's a stubborn ass about it and ends up doing time in jail. (in a powder puff jail...but still). Lil' Kim, same same.
Roger is now facing all sorts of behind the scenes investigations to determine if he lied to Congress, if his wife is guilty of anything criminally, etc. etc. I bet the Hall of Fame is the furthest thing from his mind at this point. What an idiot.
Is anyone talking about Andy Pettitte? How about Mark McGwire? How about Jason Giambi? Nope. No one cares anymore. People have moved on. The media isn't so much concerned with truth or reporting stories that are relevant as they are with reporting stories that sell. And sensationalism sells. There's nothing sensational about someone who cheats on their wife and then admits it publicly. At least not for any extended amount of time. The Spitzer thing is pretty much blown over. 2 years from now most people won't even remember him (that live outside of NY).
When are people going to figure out, that if you get caught doing something, you're much better off, ethically AND practically to just say...."you got me...I'm sorry. I won't do it again."
I hope Roger gets everything he deserves. I hope all of his family are kicking his stubborn ass over not just admitting to it and moving on. Honestly, he'd probably STILL be a shoe-in for Cooperstown and who honestly thinks you can take away his Cy Young awards at this point and give them to someone else? I hope he goes down with his stinking ship.