Jupiter's Spots Disappear Amid Major Climate Change
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 01:00 pm ET
21 April 2004
Jupiter is undergoing major climate change and could lose many of its large spots over the next seven years, only to make way for the creation of fresh spots in a decades-long cycle, according to a new explanation of old mysteries.
While the analysis remains to be proven, it is seen by other researchers as interesting and, importantly, testable even with large backyard telescopes.
Philip Marcus, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley who came up with the idea is an expert in fluid and atmospheric dynamics. He has never seen Jupiter through a telescope. But his computer modeling, reported in the April 22 issue of the journal Nature, accounts for previously noted disappearances of large white spots, and it makes predictions that can easily be verified or refuted.
Experienced backyard astronomers should be able to witness the forecasted changes, which include color shifts that might even alter the look of the centuries-old Great Red Spot, the mother of all storms in our solar system.
Marcus bases his prediction in part on the observed appearance of three large white ovals, all thousands of miles across, on Jupiter in 1939, and the unexpected disappearance of two of them between 1997 and 2000, during which time they all merged into one.
Other smaller spots have gone away since.
Marcus says the demise of still more spots over the next seven years will mark the end of a newly proposed, 70-year climate cycle.
During this time, Jupiter's equatorial region will warm up a whopping 18 degrees Fahrenheit (10 Celsius) and the planet will grow cooler near the poles. Then the stage will be set, as in 1939, for another batch of white ovals to dramatically appear by 2014.
SPACE.com -- Jupiter's Spots Disappear Amid Major Climate Change
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Dakota Voice: Breaking News: SUVs Discovered on Jupiter
Breaking News: SUVs Discovered on Jupiter
May 23, 2008
Well, not really.
But according to this post from NASA, climate change is occurring on Jupiter. The planet is getting warmer, so there must be SUVs, or power plants, or factories, or all of them somewhere on Jupiter...and they're almost certainly man-made.
After all, since Al Gore says natural climate change is patently impossible here on Earth, there's no way it could be happening naturally on Jupiter. Or Mars, since global warming was cited there, too, last year.
We evil humans! Exporting our environmental devastation to the rest of the solar system. We must be stopped!
So, since there are no SUV's on Jupiter, that I know of, what's the deal?
Also, I guess Jupiterians never signed the Kyoto Accords.