11-12-2008, 09:48 PM
Senior ClubCobra Member
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Green screen is better known in television broadcast as chroma-key. Real time chroma-key can use any color as the key. Green and blue are traditional. Green is primarily used in TV (the weatherperson will wear a blue suit or shirt, but probably not a green one) while blue was primarily used in film production.
Unfortunately, good realtime chroma key can be very expensive. Well out of the budget of a school. There is hardware used specifically for this. There are lower priced units, but be warned that the key quality can be very poor.
Typically, the chroma key is an option built into a 'production switcher' which is also a very expensive piece of gear. The cheapest keyer I found on the web was $2800. Who knows how good it is. I have no specific recommendations. I've seen 'professional' keyers trying to be sold at professional trade shows that were garbage. So don't buy anything unless you see a live demonstration of it in action or get a very very good recommendation.
Search for 'chroma key' and 'production switcher'.