Hello Dan !
I found your discussion about chassis number on contemporary.
I'm a french vintage car seller in France and a man came to me with its Contemporary Cobra. He bought it few years ago but because of personal reasons he couldn't use it and didn't registred it.
Today, he has problem with this french registration : it's possible to registred this kind of car, but the french office for registration of vintage cars is asking for any paper that can prove that the car have more than 30 years.
I saw that your Cobra is the 3209 and this one is the 3207 !
So I'm looking for any document that can prove that this cobra has 30 years or more...
If you have a document about yours with 1987 date on it, it can help ! and prove that the 3207 is older !
My post on the forum :
Thank you in advance for your Help !
Best regards