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Old 03-16-2004, 08:17 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Aurora, Co USA,
Posts: 209
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Default AutoCross Racing DIA 3/21/04

Greetings to all of you aspiring (or is that perspiring?) drivers! The 5th event of the be at the Mt. Elbert Lot at DIA (directions are on the rmsolo website) on Sunday 3/21/04. The Colorado Region will be hosting this event, and this will be our first full event at this new site. This site will be the dedicated site for all Colorado Region events for the 2004 Season. Trust me, this is a big step up. The extra distance from downtown Denver is WORTH IT. The site is acres and acres of concrete! Go to and click on "Getting Started" for loads of information. Also, join us at 8:30am for the novice meeting and course walk , where you'll get to walk the course with an experienced driver and bombard them with questions. Go ahead, they knew the job was dangerous when they took it. Stop picking through your email for offers of low mortgage rates, spam other nonsense, and go to now to register. The Weather is looking great! Registration closes on Friday the 19th, so If you miss the deadline, you'll be at the mercy of the Chief of the Web. Don't miss it! See you on the 21st!
Clay Turner at
Josh Hadler at

RMSolo Chiefs of Novices

Good News for Cobra's:

Sound will still be monitored, but there will be no, I repeat, NO enforcement of sound limits.

Good news for people with loud cars. This does not excuse you from being loud at World Arena events, you still need to be under 93 dB there. Just not at the Mt. Elbert site.
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