After all the rain we still pulled off a 7th Annual event! Thanks to all that waived the rain off and supported the cause...........
Steve Tise CCX:
Mini Cooper S - Ruthies....
Uncle Joe's 5.0
2012's Candia Burn-out-Champ.....
Show quality FFR
Race ready FFR
Jeff's TVR
Rare Triumph TR10
Clarke's new Lotus!
Furthest traveled Wayne Odle......
Newest friends Don and Linda, first timers....
Acton Custom represented!!!!!

Rowell family thanks for set up assistance......
Also included was Model-A, Corvette and convertable Mustang.
The race is on for either Mike or I to make it on the road, ERA vs Scratch...
Thanks to all as this should have been a wash out and still we were able to gather a
great group of friends........
Great Day!