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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2012, 01:30 PM
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Default Conn: HB 5164 Year of Manufacture Plates

4Cs' update on HB 5164. the " I " in the text refers to the 4Cs' representative that presented oral and written testimony. To read the entire Bill refer to the web site, Legislative.

" House Bill 5164 was introduced in the Connecticut 2012 Legislative Session February 16th. The bill, among other things, proposes to eliminate the use of year of manufacture plates on antique vehicles. At the February 22, Transportation Committee Public Hearing, I provided oral, and submitted written testimony, on behalf of the 4C's in opposition to the portion of House Bill (HB) 5164 that proposes to eliminate the use of Year of Manufacture Plates. In the E-mail I sent you that evening, I reported that both DMV and the Transportation Committee Co-Chairman would be in touch with me to see if we could come up with an alternative solution to elimination of the plates. Despite my follow on attempts to contact the committee co-chair, no contact was made. Unfortunately the section of the bill proposing to eliminate the use of year of manufacture plates remains in the bill that passed the committee, despite our request to remove it and allow us time to understand what the problem is (we frankly still do not know), and if an alternative to elimination is possible. A substitute version of House Bill 5164 passed the transportation committee and is currently on the House Calendar to be debated and voted on.

Attached is that substitute version of House Bill 5164, "An Act Concerning Revisions to Motor Vehicle Laws." It is a .pdf file. The proposal to eliminate year of manufacture plates starts on page 2 (Section 2 - which proposes to revise Section 14-20 of the General Statutes). When reading this, note that text enclosed in brackets [ ] is being deleted. Underlined text is being added to the statute. If the text is neither contained in brackets or underlined, it is the current statute text that is not being changed.

Now is the time to contact your legislators and voice your opposition to the use of year of manufacture plates on antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles. Since the bill is on the House Calendar your prompt action is required. Some recommended talking points for you to use when contacting your legislators follow:

· Despite the efforts of the automotive hobbyist to reach out at the public hearing on the bill to understand the issues behind the proposed elimination of year of manufacture plates, we do not have a clear understanding of the problem(s) they are causing. The automotive hobbyist changed the state statutes to allow antique vehicles to use year of manufacture plates back in 2000. To undo that change without an understanding of what the problem truly is seems inappropriate.

· Request that the section of House Bill 5164 that proposes to eliminate the use of year of manufacture plates be removed from the bill to provide time to understand the problem(s) and seek an alternative to their elimination. Note that approximately 80% of the other states in the US allow the display and use of year of manufacture plates, so it would appear likely an alternative to the elimination of the use of these plates in Connecticut is possible. Any risk or vulnerability associated with postponing the elimination of these plates would appear to be small since the use of year of manufacture plates is limited to a small subset of antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles.

· The history of motor vehicle registration plates in Connecticut is considerable. [Perhaps point out these Illustrated History of Connecticut License Plates - Home and CT Marker History to support that statement.] Maintaining the ability of an antique, rare or special interest motor vehicle to display year of manufacture plates helps preserve this history. While enhancing the hobby, this continued use of year of manufacture plates promote the small businesses that sell these historic plates. "
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2012, 02:51 PM
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Further encouragement to move.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2012, 06:18 PM
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This sounds like a perfect reason to start an online petition.Anyone one out there were computer skills willing to help?
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