Hi Guys,
I am a little new to this forum, and I hope I am doing this correctly. Here's a little background...
I am in posession of a kit cobra, manufactured by "The Shoppe" in Arizona. The car is in pretty tough shape. It is embarassing, but I got ripped off, and I probably will have to sue the guy who sold it to me. It sucks, because I absolutely hate lawsuits.
So, now I have a very expensive piece of fiberglass and metal that looks remarkably like a nice cobra. The driveshaft is missing, as well as numerous other problems. The car is currently in Braintree, MA. Can anyone recommend a mechanic, or craftsman who could come and look at the car, for the purpose of repairing, or at least figuring out if it could be repaired?
I appreciate any advice anyone can give me. You can email me at
calareprops@yahoo.com . Although this has soured me somewhat on my dream of owning a cobra, I refuse to let this get the best of me.
Thanks Again,