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Historybuff 08-21-2010 11:19 AM

289 Cobra/Bondurant in Europe print
I made a painting of Bob Bondurant in a light blue 289 Cobra (roundel has number 99) at some European race while the car was being refueled in the pits. I believe it's Charlie Agaipou and Phil Remington depicted in the painting. I can't reproduce it here because it still needs some technical corrections but I will be bringing prints to SAAC-35. I hope to give Bob, Charlie and Phil the first prints and am happy to finally do a painting where I actually know the people in the work.
The style is close to these but it was done in oil originally so looks more "painterly."

1985 CCX 08-21-2010 03:24 PM

Add a pic, would like to see.....

Fullchat289 08-23-2010 06:44 AM

Mr. Wyss:

Eager to see this one! Also, I received the "427 Prototype" and "Gurney/Targa Florio" prints you sent. Put them in some frames and hung them next to the car over this past weekend. They look great!


- Allen.

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