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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2003, 09:53 AM
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Cobra Make, Engine: '73 Jensen Healey Mk.I #13046
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Thank you. Alzheimers is a terrible situation, (I've dealt with it when it was simply called "Early Senility") most who suffer from it can't remember what they had for breakfast, but remember vivid detail from their early youth in varying degrees.

Before I had a handle on what is was and, what it caused them to do and act out, from the disease my mother broke up our furniture and lit a fire in the living room, a big fire! It would have been nice however if we had a fireplace in the living room, made a very big mess! a lot of smoke and resulting damage. Seems she was the one in her family as a child who's job it was to light the fire when they got cold in the winter out on the farm. It would have been funny if it hadn’t burned down the living room and kitchen, repairs took six months, awful condition, but no life lost which were lucky considering we were sleeping at the time. Glad that’s all over for all of us. I spent well over 20 Cobras on her care and medical for 10 years before she passed.

These men and women who served in WWII are truly the heroes of our age.

I hope all is well with you. Jim
Jim Weatherford
Now, I'm powered by Lotus and garded by Lucas the Lord of Darkness.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2003, 10:51 AM
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Walked past a very vocal "peace" rally on campus the other day. I'm a peace lover also, but not at any price. I would imagine the raped women and fatherless families in Iraq, and gassed Kurds (if they could) would say, "What took you so long"!! My thoughts and prayers are for our troops, may they do the job and soon be home safe.
Semper Fi,
'68 RVN
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2003, 10:53 AM
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Location: Orange, California, CA
Cobra Make, Engine: '73 Jensen Healey Mk.I #13046
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Amen, it is just that simple.
Jim Weatherford
Now, I'm powered by Lotus and garded by Lucas the Lord of Darkness.
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