Hey NorCal Cobras people!
if anyone needs to get the Cobra out again a 2nd day in a row for a coffee and a local charity going on in Folsom tomorrow morning. Maybe we'll see a few of you there. Announcement is below if interested. Its
FREE and the raffle goes to donation. Duane
__________________________________________________ __________
9-11:30 AM at STARBUCKS
195 PLACERVILLE RD, FOLSOM CA (off E. Bidwell and 50)
This event is a Charity fundraiser for GabbyJackRanch, (Canine Service Connection), who provide service dogs to Veteran's suffering with PTSD. Come be part of the car show, coffee, raffle items, and direct donations, and GJR will be there to discuss what they do, provide demonstations and Veterans coming to show how important all this is to them. (
http://www.gabbyjackranch.org). There will RAFFLE items, and goodies for Easter.
YES this is Easter Sunday, but its for our Veteran's and sometimes we have to do two things at once to make a difference. Next year will be different. Thank you for your support
Also a few other announcements:
Please mark your calendars for our upcoming event(s) and check our website under "Burgers and Cars" for our summer series events beginning June 7th.
DINGER and Megan with River Cats, will be present at the April event selling tickets for the June 15th Pancreatic Cancer Fundraiser/BallGame. If you want to display your car, Kym has some spots left, so you can buy your tickets April 20th as well.
May 18, 9-12 noon Pavilions Plaza, Charity Benefit for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Greater Sac...car show, raffle items, live music and more! 2nd Annual Benefit.
June 15, 2nd Annual Benefit for Pancreatic Cancer, at River Cats/Raley Field. Full details available on line.
Dreams and Drivers EVENTS have all been posted on our online calendar
See you soon!
The D and D Team