I have a 347 with weber 44's. I am a novice at this but found out yesterday that after taking my cobra to two different weber shops they never checked the floats or the timing. They just started changing jets! So after some $600.00 and weeks of frustration I tore into the weber for myself. Following the manual I quickly found that my floats were all off, way off. 1/4" off on the closed and 1/2" + on the open. Once I set floats to 10mm and 32mm and reinstalled jets to factory settings, the engine lost about 90% of the popping and was drivable. It still needs tuned but at least I can drive it. I learned the expensive way, Read the book and don't trust anyone just because they say they know webers. Their is a specified order of checks that
must be looked at before one starts changing jets. I may not know how to actually do the test yet, but at least I know what to expect to see someone do in a chronological order. So following the manual, My floats are now set. Next is setting timing. QUOTE "Static timing is of
secondary importance to the performance level of a small block with four IDF's,
but setting maximum advance is critical. It
must be set correctly
before the carburetors are tuned. The total advance should be 36-38 degree at maximum rpm." What does that mean and how do I set that. I marked 36 and 38 degree on the dampener. I have a timing light. What rpm do I check timing at?
I want to thank all of you who have been helping me with this project. Like me I'm sure you thought the floats and timing had been properly set.
Is their anyone in the NW Cobra Club who knows how to check timing and would be willing to do so? I can bring the car to your place or you can come to mine. Drinks and chips are on the house. As a special incentive, Steve Bisson said you could sit behind the wheel of his cobra and twirl his hey chain!!!!!!! WOW what a deal!!!!!!!!!