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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2001, 10:26 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Strongsville, OH, OH
Cobra Make, Engine: Former owner of an A&C
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Default Club Logo

To everyone looking for the new logo -

Hanes "Beefy-T" S - XXXL $15.00 COLORS - Black, Navy, Forest Green, Maroon, Red, Royal Blue, Light Steel (Med Grey), Ash (Light Grey), White, Natural (Off White)

Brushed Denim Caps Velcro Closure One Size by "Otto" Hats 2 Color $15.00 Brim & Piping / Main Body - Red / Natural, Blue / Natural, Green / Natural

Sweatshirts Jerzees 9.3 oz (med weight) high cotton S-XXXL $25.00 COLORS- Black, Navy, Forest Green, Maroon, Red, Royal Blue, Light Steel (Med Grey), White

Sweatshirts Jerzees 12.3oz (heavy weight cotton) S - XXXL $35.00 COLORS etc. as above

Brushed Twill Shirts by Three Rivers (Short or Long Sleeves) $40.00 S-XXL COLORS -Wine, Tan, Forest Green, White, Navy
No minimum order, but I'd prefer to group them to a limited extent. The company doing the work does race team uniforms for Ford Racing, Mr. Gasket and others. I chose only the high quality products to ensure only really crabby Cobra fanatics with constipation would be disappointed. All others should enjoy my efforts and the products.

I'm not a bank, so I'd like to get the money up-front, and will be happy to give you an I.O.U. or have Mike Braatz, or Les vouch for me. Lead time is 10 business days. Other items are available upon request.

Steve Boardman

Last edited by wadesdad; 08-14-2001 at 07:32 AM..
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-14-2001, 05:52 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Marysville, OH
Cobra Make, Engine: Project "X" underway....twin turbo V6, AWD...
Posts: 453
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Thumbs up

Nice job! Simple, but classy, and unmistakably Cobra!

Ok, here's a question. Do all the sub-chapters want to use the same format, but with the new name, or come up with something totally different?

Might be nice to keep some unification in that respect. What does everyone think?

Steve, if we decide to use the same format with the new name, can you supply me your contact info? I'm thinking it would save time and cost to have the same people do all the stuff.

Ok, central guys, opinions please.....

Maybe this is something we could decide at the Columbus meeting in Sept.??

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