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Old 02-15-2014, 06:56 PM
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Default London Cobra Show Track Event Mid-Ohio

2014 LCS Track Event

This year's track event is going to be a little different, as it will be held the Tuesday and Wednesday, following the London Cobra Show. The official dates are, Tuesday June 24th and Wednesday June 25th. We have made the changes to allow for even more track time. Two Full days from 8:30-4:30 for a mere charge of $310.00 before April 15, $360.00 after April 15. Included will be: Classroom curriculum, Autocross, corner drills, Skid car drills, Open lapping, insight from some of the best racers and instructors in the world. You will learn to comfortably drive your Cobra at racing speeds on the track, Hone your skills on the autocross course, have Q&A sessions with pro drivers, even learn to drive on ice or extreme slippery conditions. If you have never participated in a track event, I strongly encourage you to come out and see what it is all about. This event is different from most others as competition is not what is the center of focus. No one wants to prove to anybody that they have the fastest car, and do bonsai passes, risking their car and yours. Safety is of the utmost concern. The only winners of this event are the ones who: 1, take their car home as they brought it to the track. 2,gain knowledge of how their car handles and brakes at track speeds. 3,People who have enjoyed the camaraderie of like minded enthusiasts. Everyone learns at their own pace and are encouraged to work up to speeds that they are comfortable with. If there is a problem with your car you will be surprised at how many people will step up to help get you back on the track. Yes, some guys have fully prepared race cars, and go really fast, but most are truly street cars out to have a great time. I run my B.F. Goodrich T/A radials(not much of a performance tire), and have a lot of fun, doing what I can within their performance envelope. So for those of you who have never participated in this event, you should take the plunge, sign up, come out, have a great time and see for yourself what it's really all about. I think you will be glad you did. Please inspect your car before coming to the track. Tech sheet at .Register at,
Gordon Gross

Last edited by GForce; 02-15-2014 at 07:03 PM.. Reason: More info
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london cobra show, mid-ohio, ohio cobra club, track event

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