Ohio is quite simple, straight forward and demanding that you do it by the numbers.
#1: Any kit manufacturer will supply you what is called and "MSO".
Do NOT loose this. Repeat that at least ten times.
#2: When your car is done, you simply call the State BMV office, OR if you're close, stop in at 1960 W.Broad St., Columbus. (Right off I-70 and W. Broad)
Either case simply ask them for a "Self assembeled Vehicle" permit. They will happily hand it to you, or mail it to you as soon as they get their $52.75 check from you.
They will also include a sheet with approximately ten locations that you can call for an inspection. Do NOT loose the sheet the State gives you either! When you call the inspection station to make an appointment, they will ask you for the number or registration number of your paid receipt. They will then give you an appointment to bring the car in.
You will be able to legally drive the car, with out tags, to and from the inspection. The State receipt is a temporary registration for this purpose.
Another "Don't". Don't miss you appointment, you will be cancelled out, have to pay another $52.75 and make another appointment!
Call ahead at least two weeks in advance for your inspection, most stations are backed up two to four weeks!
The ONLY paper work you will need for this inspection is:
MSO...Repeat MSO
Receipt for:
Engine, see transmission info
Transmission...and IF it is used, if at all possible have the VIN number of the car it came out of! Ie; salvage yard is required to give you this information!
Rear End... see transmission info
That's IT. Period!
When you leave the inspection the State Patrol will keep the MSO, and in turn will give you a copy of their inspection sheet.
You then take this to your local Clerks office. (Now and only now with all the receipts you can find

) They will keep your inspection sheet, collect for items that you had not paid tax on, ie; the kit, etc. They in turn will then issue you a clear title!
Simply take this to your local Deputy Registras office and get your tags!
Then ENJOY the heck out of your new toy and above all....WE fully expect you to be at next years DVSF !
Any questions, do not hesitate to ask. I'm sure we will be in touch. If you decide to do this, make sure you call me or contact me here just before going through "Inspection". I will be glad to make sure you have everything for a simple and successfull "Inspection".
Geesh, it took longer to type this than to do it! Serioulsy, an hour and a half should take care of the entire process.
DV....PS...PS...PS Under NO circumstances go to some out of state title agency. Simply do NOT!