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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2004, 07:48 AM
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Default OCC calendar

Justin Leedy and his father (sorry, I told you I was bad with names) are working on putting together a OCC calendar. From what they are talking about it will be one really high quality piece.

They are going to be needing HIGH quality Cobra shots of OCC cars. If you have any and are interested, contact Justin at

They are also looking to set up a photo op. When the time and location has been decided on I will let you know!

Proud owner of Shelby Cobra "Tribute" car!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-21-2004, 10:54 AM
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Hey everyone,

I'm typing this from my girlfriend's computer while I wait on hold with Dell to see if they can rescue my own. I've been MIA for over a month now.

Details are still to come on the OCC calendar, but one way or another, it's going to be a "can't miss" type of thing.

My dad has a few great contacts that will help this to be a very professional piece. Now all we need is the media for it!!

So, send me your high quality, high resolution pictures! You can send them to me at

Rick mentioned my Progressive email account because I have been communicating w/ him via that address, but the IT security folks track every time I send a file with an attachment - which I have to do w/ pictures I get there.

My dad (Terry) and I are also working on setting up a photo shoot for the cover. Our top choice (Plan A, if you will) for the shoot is something to pay tribute to the men and women of our Armed Forces who are keeping us safe here at home. That's all I'm going to say for now!

The shoot will most likely take place on the Thursday of DVSF IV, and be located somewhere between Cleveland and Columbus (probably in the Lexington (Mid-Ohio) area.

I'll keep you posted as I know more details - either from my computer or someone else's.

Pray for Spring!!

Ohio Cobra Club
Token Gashole
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