Planning for this year's DSCC spring cruise is well under way, and we will be announcing details soon.
The dates are May 12-15, and the hub for our activities will be in either Brunswick or Savannah Georgia. Our routes will take advantage of the wonderful scenery of South East Georgia, from St. Mary's to Savannah. The overall plan is to caravan to the base hotel, and then spend two days driving around South East Georgia, enjoying the scenery, local eating secrets, and lots of comradery. We will also drop in on a special event honoring the memory of Miranda Kunda.
THE BIG NEWS: This year Dave Smith and Factory Five Racing will be participating! That's right, they will be in Brunswick that weekend sponsoring a charity event, so the club and Factory Five are working out some details to make this a memorable weekend for all.
We are going to try to bring back the 'caravan to the cruise' that was done back in '09'. Our intent is to have a caravan of cars driving to the base location of our event from many directions. I.e., groups of cars coming up from Florida, down from the Carolinas, east from Alabama and Georgia, etc. These caravan routes and times will be published so that Cobra fans can join them along the way.
If you are willing to be a leader of one of these caravans, please email me,