We will be using FRS radios during the cruises in London. My first experience with these was last month In Branson, MO at the Spring Snake Round-up with the Superformance Group. They are not required...or needed...but they are FUN!
Credit for the idea goes to the Superformance Cobra
Owners Forum and Randall Thomas for his help on the details. (thank you!)
COMMUNICATIONS - FRS RADIO: For car to car communications while on the cruises, we highly suggest bringing an FRS radio. FRS stands for Family Radio Service. These little inexpensive two-way radios will aid in car to car communications, and even keep you in contact after we spread out on foot when it's time to assemble for a group action. These "walkie talkies" are sold at most electronics stores and cost about $30-60 for a pair. Remember, to get the best ones your budget will allow for improved clarification and volume to overcome our car's exhaust and wind noise interference's. You get what you pay for. We will use Channel 5 with no "quiet code". Clip the radio to close to your head on your shoulder harness or lapel/collar in order to hear and respond best for a fun and convenient way to communicate with the other cars.
Since FRS radios have a limited range barely breaking a mile in line of site conditions, when making turns and cars are spread out, everyone simply repeat the directional commands on the radio so the information will get back to the cars in the rear. If everyone does this, the redundant messages will be relayed from
the leader all the way to the rear with confirmations in-between making the virtual range almost limitless. Additionally, if a command is not heard the first time, after hearing it repeated, most people will eventually catch it.