08-06-2003, 07:30 AM
CC Member
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Feeding Hills, MA,
Posts: 33
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scale parts for mini Cobras!
For anyone that is interrested in acquiring scale accessories for the mini Cobras, I'm in the process of designing and making a full set of accessories for my own. If there is interest I would certainly be willing to produce them for others to help in completing their cars. I was one of the first to purchase the Whizco body, so I've had time to do some tinkering with it. Originally I had planned to produce the accessories over this winter, as I'm still putting the finishing touches on my big one! If there is enough interest in the accessories, I could make them more of a priority time-wise.
At this point, I have a windshield with frame designed, polished stainless rollbar, quick jacks, and I'm working on options for light weight dummy side exhaust and gas cap. I've also been investigating lighting options as well.
if interrested please email directly, thanks.